Chapter 35

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Third person's POV

Mina slowly opens her eyes, feeling this massive headache from some sort of chemical smell that is still lingering in her nose. Her arms and legs feel numb as if they don't belong to her, her mind is still processing of what is happening.

Shakes her own head a few times to bring some senses back, Mina realises she is in a standing position with her arms raised above her head, she quickly looks up to see each of her wrists is tied up tightly with a rope, the other end of each rope is bound to a big wooden bar across the ceiling. She looks down to see her legs are also tightly tied up together by a rope around her ankles, her shoes are gone, her feet barely touch the ground. Her body is shaking, feeling every bits of the cold, she checks her clothing, in this freezing cold night and she is now only has a half knee length shirt on top of her underwear and bra.

Knowing that she is in danger, Mina alarmingly checks her surroundings. The place looks like an abandoned barn, with old farming tools in a corner, some haystacks in another corner. She tries to move her wrists to loosen the knot, only to feel this burning pain breaking her skin from the very tighten rope. Gathers all her left over energy, Mina screams for help, 'Help...can anyone hear me? Please help! Chaeyoung, where are you? Help me...Chaeyoung!'

The old barn door creakily opens, 'There is no use of screaming for help. The closest house in this area is ten minutes away from here by car, no one will hear you. I suggest you save some energy, because you are going to need it.' A cold, emotionless voice tells Mina,

'So...Somi?' Mina is in shock seeing Somi standing right there at the door,

Somi slowly walks over to Mina, her hand is holding a whip, spinning it around in the air as if it's her favourite toy. She stops right in front of Mina, her eyes are wild and dark, she clicks her tongue, ' naive are you? I told you Chaeyoung was with me and you believed that? Eventhough Chaeyoung told you to wait for her right there?'

Mina is still in disbelief, 'Somi, what are you doing? Why did you trick me? Why did you take me here?'

Somi laughs out loud, 'Don't you get it, Mina? I planned this for awhile now, simply because...I hate you, Mina, I hate you to the point that I can kill you right here, right now.'

Shivers run down Mina's spine hearing the cold, psychotic tone from Somi, she is unable to speak a word,

Somi leans her face real close to Mina's face, smirking, 'Awww...don't be scared, Chaeyoung's Princess. I won't kill you just yet, I'm going to enjoy hurting you first.'

Mina could see that this Somi is different to the Somi that has been around with their group of friends in the last few months. This Somi is dangerous, full of hatred and on the verge of losing sanity,

'Somi, let me go. Don't do this! I thought we are friends.' Mina says, trying hard to keep her voice from shaking,

Somi laughs psychotically, 'Mina, last few months were just an act. I'm quite an actress, aren't I? You all believed me. You really thought I could be friends with you? After you took Chaeyoung, the love of my life away from me?'

Somi continues to talk while slowly walking around Mina in circles, her hand is still spinning the whip in the air, as if trying to scare her captured prey even more, 'That's not all, Mina. I hate you because you are so rich to the point that it's unfair to everyone else. I hate all the expensive, brand name clothes you wear, I hate all the fancy food at those crazy rich restaurants that you eat. That's why I leave you wearing only a shirt right now, and I won't give you any food or drink, so you will know what it feels like to be cold without any proper covering, to be starving without any food.'

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