Chapter 21

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Third person's POV

Being so close to Mina for more than a year, and having come to her place regularly, Chaeyoung knows the password of Mina's apartment entrance door by heart.

She carries the drunken sleeping girl straight to her bedroom, gently lays her down on the bed. Chaeyoung removes Mina's high heels, then her jacket, leaving other clothes untouched, respecting Mina's privacy. She pulls the blanket up, covering Mina from the cold, then sits down right next to her. She lovingly watches Mina in her peaceful sleep, reaches her thumb over to wipe those tear stains on the girl's face, then keeps her thumb there to caress Mina's cheek 'Who says that I don't care about you anymore, huhm?'

Chaeyoung leans down and kisses Mina's forehead 'I miss you so so much!'

She moves her right hand up to caress Mina's hair, gently from the top of her head down to her shoulder 'I'm sorry I was so harsh to you. I'm sorry, my princess!'

Chaeyoung caresses Mina's hair for awhile, 'She's going to have a massive headache from the hangover tomorrow' Chaeyoung is thinking to herself. With that thought, she runs down to the Pharmacy on the corner of the block to buy the hangover medicine, then comes back and cooks some soup for Mina as well.

Once she's done, she places the medicine next to a glass of water on Mina's bed side table, then sits back down next to Mina again, she smiles at her 'I will get going now, Princess. See you on Monday.' She stands up but turns around to look at Mina one more time, she bends her back to get closer to Mina's face 'Oh, I forgot...There are no such things as Horsie world or Unicorns, little miss Cutie.' She says while adoringly taps Mina's nose tip, her favourite thing to do. Chaeyoung then leaves, not forgetting to lock the door on her way out.

Next morning, Mina wakes up with a massive headache, it took her awhile to sit up because her head feels so heavy. She's leaning on the bed headboard, squeezing her temples, regretting last night's decision to drink. Moments later, she notices a sticky note on her bed side table, she reaches for it, 'Have this medicine, then eat some soup I cooked for you in the kitchen. Those will help with your headache and the hangover.'

Mina tilts her head a little, 'Isn't this Chaeyoung's handwriting?'

She quickly looks for her phone and calls Sana,

'Hello?' Sana answers, still half asleep,

'Sana, did Chaeyoung take me home last night?' Mina asks,

'Yes, why?' Sana asks,

But Mina ends the call right there, she got the information that she needs, 'So she came and took me home, got me medicine and cooked soup for me. Does that mean she still cares about me?' That thought puts a big smile on her face. She takes the medicine, then goes to the kitchen, heats up the soup and eats it, happily followed Chaeyoung's instruction like an obedient child.

Monday, at the start of lunch time. Mina is feeling so nervous because she's still not sure if Chaeyoung has forgiven her or not. She's sitting on a bench in the university's garden, debating with herself if she should go to the food court to face Chaeyoung.

On the other hand, not seeing Mina in the food court, Chaeyoung knows right away where Mina would be, because it's the place where the two of them sometimes eat lunch, to avoid the crowd. Chaeyoung quickly buys some foods and takes it away with her. Arriving at the garden, she sees Mina sitting on their usual bench,

'What are you doing here and not eating your lunch?' Chaeyoung puts on her stern voice,

Mina startles a bit, looks at Chaeyoung then looks down, avoiding Chaeyoung's eyes 'I...I don't feel like eating.'

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