Chapter 13

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Third person's POV

Today is the day they will receive their Maths test results, everyone is nervous especially Mina and Chaeyoung. Finally, Mrs Bae walks in carrying a pile of marked test papers on her arm. She puts it down on her desk,

'Ok, everyone, I've marked your test papers. I will call your name one by one, please come up here and take your papers' She instructes,

'Minatozaki Sana, 76%, well done!' Sana runs to the teacher and collects her paper with a smile. She's quite happy with it,

'Hirai Momo, 55%'

Momo does a fist pump 'Yes!!!'

Mina and Sana give her a look, Momo just shrugs her shoulders 'What? At least I passed!'

Other students were called one by one, then it's Mina's turn,

'Myoui Mina, 99%, great job! Just what I've expected from you' Mrs Bae says, feeling proud of her best student.

Mina collects her paper then confidently looks at Chaeyoung 'Beat that, Son Chaeyoung, I'm surely going to win now'. She is mumbling to herself.

Meanwhile Chaeyoung is impressed with Mina's score 'Wow, she is good!'

Some more students were then called,

'Lastly, Son Chaeyoung, you surprised me, almost perfect score...99,5%' Mrs Bae announces,

'Wooohhhh...' Everyone in the class is in awe over Chaeyoung's score, while Mina has her mouth agape,

Chaeyoung collects her paper then purposely walks pass to where Mina is sitting, she puts her paper on Mina's desk and prepares to do her usual victory shuffle dance,

'Don't even...think about doing that dance!' Mina says with her gritted teeth,

' bad! Sorry Princess! Chaeyoung smiles then walks away,

'Does that mean you are going on a date with her?' Sana asks,

Mina is sitting very still, swallowing the bitterness of losing yet again, 'Aahhh, why do I always lose to her?'

When the class ends, Chaeyoung walks over to Mina, 'Saturday at 10am, in front of school...wear casual..' Chaeyoung gives Mina a wink before leaving.

Sana teases 'Oohhh...our Mina is going on a date. Is this your first time ever?'

Mina rolls her eyes 'It's not like it's a real date.'

'It's still a date.' Momo joins in,

Mina quickly shoves her books into her bag, trying to run away from all the teasing, but Sana and Momo are still not finished, 'Have fun on your date, Mina! Don't do anything naughty!' They laugh out loud,

Mina rushes out of the classroom with a red face, not looking back.

Saturday morning at 10am, infront of the school. Mina parks her car where she sees Chaeyoung is leaning on her motorbike. Chaeyoung wears a pair of black sneakers, a pair of black jeans, simple white button shirt and a dark brown leather jacket on top, her blond shoulder length hair waving with the wind, compliments perfectly with her simple yet stylish outfit.

'She looks cool, I guess.' Mina is thinking to herself, while walking towards Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung is standing there, watching every steps Mina takes. Mina wears a pair of white Gucci sneakers, a pair of denim jeans, simple white Prada t-shirt and a medium length grey colour Prada cardigan. To Chaeyoung, Mina looks better than any models you can find in the fashion magazines.

'Hey Gorgeous!' Chaeyoung greets,

Mina rolls her eyes 'Stop with all the name-calling already, address me as an unnie, cause I'm older than you.'

Chaeyoung chuckles 'You don't get to choose how I call you, Princess. I win the bet, remember?'

'Whatever' Mina huffs,

'Here! Put this on!' Chaeyoung hands Mina a helmet,

'What's this?' Mina confusingly asks,

'A helmet, obviously!' Chaeyoung answers,

'You mean we are going to ride your motorbike?'m not getting on that!' Mina refuses,

'Why not? It will be fun!' Chaeyoung tries to convince her,

'It looks dangerous! And...and...I'm scared of the speed!' Mina honestly says,

Chaeyoung chuckles 'It will be fine! And I will ride slow, I promise!'

Mina is hesitating, debating with herself whether she should trust Chaeyoung on this. Chaeyoung takes the helmet from Mina's hands and puts it on Mina's head, making the decision for her. Chaeyoung helps Mina to fasten the helmet buckle on her chin while looking into Mina's eyes 'Trust me!'

Mina nods her head, and proceeds to climb on the back of the motorbike, sitting behind Chaeyoung,

'Put your seat belt on.' Chaeyoung tells her,

'Seat belt?' Mina looks to the right side, to the left side then to the back but can't find any seat belt,

Chaeyoung then grabs both of Mina's hands and circles them around her waist 'There! This is your seat belt!'

Mina feels her cheeks are heating up because of the sudden contact with Chaeyoung's waist. She quickly removes her hands ''s ok, I don't need the seat belt'

'It's up to you.' Chaeyoung says while slightly turn up the accelerator on her right hand, the motorbike jumps making Mina lets out a girly yelp, she immediately reaches for Chaeyoung and hugs her back tightly, holding on for her dear life,

'That's better!' Chaeyoung smiles and starts to ride away.

Chaeyoung rides slowly just like how she promised. During the ride, Mina is starting to get used to the warmth of Chaeyoung's back. Chaeyoung's thin waist is the perfect size for Mina's arms to wrap around, with her fingers intertwined together, resting on Chaeyoung's abdomen. Chaeyoung's fruity scent helps Mina feels so calm, she is feeling so comfortable, enjoying the scenery passing by.

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung has been smiling ear to ear the whole time, enjoying the closeness with Mina. Mina's jasmine fragrance is her new favourite scent now, it's so addictive that she has been sneakily tilt her head a little sideways closer to Mina, just to try to catch her scent. Chaeyoung's heart has been beating so loud in her chest, she just hopes Mina doesn't hear it.

Almost an hour of riding, away from Seoul city, passing by many vast grass lands, many farms and vineyards, as much as Mina is enjoying the ride, she can't help but wondering where they are going,

'Where are we going? You are not kidnapping me, are you?' Mina asks,

Chaeyoung chuckles 'Uhmm...that gives me an idea. Maybe I should!'

'Yah, Son Chaeyoung, it's not funny! But it might cost you too much to kidnap me, cause I eat a lot.' Mina continues,

Chaeyoung laughs 'So you expect to be well fed even when you got are so cute!'

She continues 'But sorry to disappoint you, if I kidnap you, you get no food, Baby!'

'That's just plain cruel!' Mina cries out,

Chaeyoung laughs out loud 'Don't worry, Princess! I'm not kidnapping you, and I promise, you will be well fed!'

Mina smiles and asks again 'But seriously, where are we going?'

'We're almost there!' Chaeyoung answers.

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