Chapter 5: Coming apart at the seams

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Several months had passed and it was mid February and between the Nexstar competition and Ethan's studio continued to win most competitions even though they had losses, Ethan never berated them for losing like Abby would, he was firm but gentle after a loss and Chloe had regained her love for dance as dancing in a new studio was like a breath of fresh air and her dancing improved big time and Christi felt a whole lot better without Abby breathing down her and Chloe's backs.

For the Abby Lee Dance Company, the back to back losses at the first two competitions really got to Abby and in the studio, Abby had been running the girls ragged over losing to Ethan's team, Holly, Kelly and Jill tried to intervene, but Abby threatened they had no other choice but to back off. Abby also had just lost her mother to cancer.


"Can't we just take a break?" Nia asked.

"NO! NOT UNTIL YOU LEARN HOW TO BEAT ETHAN!" Abby responded coldly.

"Well, i'd rather be like Chloe." Paige panted under her breath.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Abby roared, causing Paige to flinch as Gianna came in.

"Abby, you need to lighten up." Gianna told Abby.

"BACK OFF!" Abby warned her assistant choreographer, even Gianna wasn't immune to Abby's wrath. "THE GIRLS KEEP LOSING TO THAT UPSTART STUDIO!"

"Well it's because you drove Chloe away!" Gianna snapped. "Ethan built her back up!"

"Don't bring up that name!" Abby barked.

"Why? Is it because you hate him more than Cathy?" Gianna chastised.

"Those two take in rejects while we have dancers that have been here since the ages of 2 and 3!" Abby simply said.

"Abby, it's no wonder why people are leaving your studio because they have had enough of you running them ragged and your TYRANT WAYS AND YOU KNOW WHAT TIHINK YOU SHOULD DO? YOU SHOULD APOLOGIZE TO CHLOE AND HER MOTHER OVER HOW YOU TREATED THEM BECAUSE THE REASON WHY THIS STUDIO HAS BEEN LOSING IS BECAUSE OF YOU!" Gianna snarled.

The girls and the moms were amazed that Gianna was defending Chloe as Abby at that point was downright livid with a dark look on her face.

"Outside, Gianna! We need to have a word!" Abby growled as Gianna went outside the studio and Abby followed, then minutes later, the dance teacher came back in. "What are you doing?! Back to dancing, NOW!"

"Where's Gianna?" Kendall asked.

"Shut up, Kendall!" Abby demanded and the girls all resumed their dancing as they and the moms wondered where Gianna was as the Abby Lee Dance Company was slowly but surely coming apart at the seams and it wasn't going to be a question of if, only a matter of just when.

Later that evening Ethan's house, Christi and Chloe came by to visit and then they heard the sound of the doorbell.

"Who could that be?" Christi asked.

"I don't know, but i'll check. Let's see who's at the door." Ethan said as he walked to the door woth Chloe and Christi behind them, he opened the door and saw that it was Gianna, who had a huge handprint on her cheek and she was crying.

"Gianna?! Who did this to you?" Christi asked, a look of horror.

"Abby did this, i got into an fight with her after i blamed her for the ALDC losing, then when we got outside, she berated me and i stood up to her, then she slapped me and then fired me. Also, she has been running the girls ragged." Gianna sniffed which angered Ethan, Chloe and Christi.

"Abby has gone too far." Chloe declared.

"She sure has and i don't know how much more Nia, Kendall, Brooke, Paige, Holly, Jill and Kelly can take." Christi agreed. "Come on in, Gia."

Gianna walked in shakily from Abby slapping and firing her, Ethan, Chloe and Christi sat her down on a sofa as they gave her a cold compress for her cheek.

"Gia, let me tell you this, the more Abby keeps doing that, she's gonna end up crossing the wrong person one day and it won't end pretty for her." Ethan said. "Since she fired you, how would you like to be my assistant choreographer?"

"Are you sure?"

"Sure i'm sure."

Gianna smiled at him as she looked into his brown eyes. "All right, i'm in."

Ethan smiled, then he helped Gianna.

The next day at Ethan's studio, Chloe, Mallory, Sally, Ashley, Jessica got word that Ethan had an announcement.

"Everybody, usually it would be just me doing the choreography, but as of today, i've hired a new assistant choreographer." Ethan announced as the girls looked excited because they knew whoever the assistant choreographer was would take a lot of pressure off of Ethan, who turned to the door. "Can you come in?"

The door from the front desk opened and coming into the studio room was Gianna.

"Everybody, this is Gianna Martello, she is the new assistant choreographer for Malibu Express Dancing Center. She originally was with a certain fatty but was fired from that studio yesterday."

Everybody went up to her and gave her a hug to show she was welcome and unlike Abby's studio, the studio had a calmer feel and as the weeks went by, Gianna had falling in love with Ethan, who had been falling in love with her for some time, but they didn't know it as well and the studio hadn't faced Abby since the competition in late January and by early March, Gianna and Ethan got closer and closer and it would only be a matter of time as Chloe, Christi and everybody in Ethan's studio was predicting it could happen.

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