Chapter 6: Lovebirds aka Etanna

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The day was March 16 and it was a month after Gianna was fired by Abby and hired by Ethan and at Paradise Cove Beach Cafe, Gianna was at breakfast with Christi while Chloe and Clara were with Ethan at his house.

"Christi, i have a question."

"What is it?" Christi wondered.

"I'm starting to have feelings for Ethan and i don't know how to tell him." Gianna admitted as Christi grinned, knowing Gianna was in love with her son. "What would be the best way to tell him how i feel about him?"

"If you like my son, just tell him. There's nothing wrong with having feelings for somebody." Christi told Gianna. "All i want is for him to be happy."

"Thanks for the advice."

"No problem."

The two continued their breakfast before heading out in different directions.

Later that afternoon, Gianna arrived at Ethan's house and knocked on the door, a minute later, the door opened and Ethan was standing at the doorway.

"Hey, Gia." Ethan greeted.

"Hey, Ethan." Gianna responded as she came in. "How's it going?"

"I'm doing good, just relaxing in my living room."

Gianna and Ethan went into the living room where Chloe and Clara were watching TV.

"Hey, Gia!" Chloe and Clara greeted.

"Hello, Chloe. Hello, Clara." Gianna replied. "How's it going?"

"Good." Chloe said. "Just hanging out with our big bro."


Chloe could tell that Gianna wanted to talk to Ethan about something, so she and Clara headed to the staircase as Gianna and Ethan sat down on the couch in the living room.

"What's on your mind, Gia?"

"E-Ethan, i've been wanting to tell you something for a long time, but i couldn't find the words until now." Gianna nervously told him.

"W-What is it?" Ethan asked, he was as nervous as Gianna was as he could tell that something was on her mind and he held her hands.

"Ethan Lukasiak, ever since i first met you, i've wanted to get this off my chest, i've always been in love with you." Gianna confessed.

Ethan was stunned, but in the back of his mind, he'd been waiting for that moment for years.

"I've always been in love with you too, Gianna Martello." Ethan responded

Ethan and Gianna looked at each other and didn't blink once, then Gianna put one hand on the back of Ethan's neck, pulled him closer and pressed her lips on his and began to kiss him gently, then Ethan began to kiss her back and it felt like fireworks had gone off.

The two were overwhelmed with love and it was a magical moment and did not want to let go as Chloe looked on while distracting Clara so she would not see their older brother and Gianna kiss.

Ethan and Gianna broke their kiss and looked at each other with love, then they noticed that Chloe was looking on.

"You saw the whole thing, huh?" Ethan teased his younger sister.

"I sure did." Chloe responded.

"We somehow knew that." Gianna commented.

"About time you two admitted your love."

"Yeah, it was only a matter of time." Ethan stated as Chloe went over and gave them a hug.

"Gianna, be good to my brother, all right?" Chloe asked.

"I sure will." Gianna assured.

The next day, Ethan and Gianna let everybody in Ethan's studio that they were in love and everybody was happy for them.

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