Chapter 8: Taking it too far

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The next morning at Ethan's house, it was 7:00 am and in his bedroom, he was asleep as he enjoyed his date with Gianna the previous evening, then his cell phone rang and it woke him up, he looked and saw that Gianna was calling and he answered to see what his girlfriend wanted.

"Hello?" Ethan asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Hey, Ethan, Something terrible happened to the studio!" Gianna said, panic in her voice and it alarmed Ethan.

"Calm down, Gia. What's wrong?" Ethan asked.

"The studio was vandalized!" Gianna urgently informed her boyfriend.

"What?!" Ethan nearly shouted. "Are you serious?!"

"I sure am."

"I'm on my way to the studio."

Ethan hung up, put on a crewneck t-shirt, pants and sandals and exited his house, got in his car and drove to his dance studio and saw the words "NO TALENT!" over the doors that were smashed in and when he entered, he saw the words, "MEDC SUCKS!", "CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE!", "DISGRACES!", "TRASH DANCERS!" "TRASH STUDIO!", "TRASH EVERYTHING!" and Xs on the walls and mirrors with garbage all around the studio floors in all rooms and that was making steam come out of Ethan's ears as the police were investigating as Gianna came in with Chloe, Christi, the other girls and moms of the studio and they were horrified that Ethan's studio was vandalized, Gianna had told them about it as Ethan was talking to the police.

"Who could have done this?" Allison asked.

"I don't know." Samantha responded.

"Maybe it could be someone who hates Ethan." Isabella predicted.

"Ethan, someone left a note!" Danielle exclaimed as she had a note in her hand.

Ethan looked at the note and it said "Since you like taking my trash, i decided to make your studio trashy!" and it made him mad as Chloe and Christi rubbed his back.

"Don't worry, whoever did this is gonna get theirs." Chloe assured.

"Yeah." Sally added.

"The one who did this deactivated the security cameras." Megan added. "but thankfully, the mini spy cameras that were on the roof over the entrance and in a corner where the vandalizing happened were not affected and it recorded the whole thing."

Everybody looked at the spy camera footage from last night and saw a black escalade pulling in the parking lot and getting out of the car was a brown haired woman and with her was another woman, who had ash blonde hair and everybody knew who it was, it was none other than Abby and the woman with her was Melissa.

"So it was fatso who vandalized the studio." Bethany stated.

"If you thought those two couldn't sink any lower..." Christi growled, she really wanted to pummel them badly as they saw Abby and Melissa drop trash on the floor and spraypainted the words on the walls and doors.

"What's gonna happen to them?"

"Don't worry, i have an idea on how payback's gonna happen to them." Ethan assured, an evil grin on his face as he laughed.

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