Chapter 7: First Date

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Six days after confessing their love to one another, Ethan and Gianna were going to go on their first date and at Ethan's house, Ethan was seen coming out of the shower, sprayed cologne on his chest and put his hair in a ponytail and headed to his bedroom to find out what he would be wearing as the time was 6:00 pm.

"All right, let's see what i'll wear." Ethan said to himself and it was 70 degrees outside. He looked closely in the closet and chose a black sports jacket, white button down shirt and black slacks and loafers. He put on the clothes before he grabbed his cell phone, keys and the flowers for Gianna, which were red roses. "Now, i'm ready to roll."

Ethan locked up the house and turned on his alarm after he exited, he then got into his vehicle, an Audi S5 convertible with the hood down, he got in his car and turned the key which brought the engine alive, opened the garage and drove out of it. As soon as he was out, he closed the garage and headed west on the Pacific Coast Highway.

10 Minutes later, he arrived at a house on Villa Costera that was over 6,000 square feet and he parked before getting out of his car, got the roses, approached the door and knocked and a minute later, the door opened and standing at the doorway was Gianna, who decked out in a sundress and open toed shoes with heels and her hair was curled.

"You are so pretty, Gia." Ethan commented, he was in awe of the beauty of his girlfriend.

"Thanks, you're looking really handsome." Gianna responded to her boyfriend, admiring how handsome he was looking.

"These roses are for you." Ethan handed Gianna the roses.

"Aww, thanks." Gianna replied, accepting the roses. "I'll put these in a vase and then we'll be ready to roll."

"That's all right with me." Ethan stated as Gianna headed back in the house, put the roses in the vase before she left and closed the door, they walked to the car and Ethan opened the car to let her get in.

"You're a gentleman." Gianna complimented, then he headed over to the driver's seat, got in, turned the car back on and started driving in the east direction and with that, their date officially started.

15 minutes later, Ethan and Gianna arrived at the Santa Monica Pier, a large double jointed pier that had a small amusement park, concession stands and areas for views and fishing. They found a parking spot and Ethan got out of the car before heading to the passenger side, opened the door and let Gianna get out.

"What do you want to do first, Gia?" Ethan asked his girlfriend.

"How about we head to Pacific Park and ride the Pacific Wheel?" Gianna suggested.

"Good idea." Ethan and Gianna walked to the Pacific Wheel, a ferris wheel and when they got on, they enjoyed the view when they got to the top, then they decided to head over to the Playland Arcade, which had a ton of arcade games and also in there was Nia, Kendall, Brooke, Paige, Holly, Jill and Kelly.

"Gia!" Nia, Kendall, Brooke and Paige ran to Gianna and hugged her.

"Hey there, girls." Gianna chuckled as she hugged them back and their moms hugged her as well. "I missed you girls."

"We miss you too." Nia said, before she, the other girls and the moms looked at Ethan. "Hey, Ethan."

"Hey, everybody." Ethan waved.

"What have you been up to since Abby fired you?" Brooke asked Gianna.

"Well, the day i was fired, i visited Ethan and after i told him, Chloe and Christi about what had happened, he asked me if i wanted to be a part of his studio as the assistant choreographer and i agreed, i started the next day. It's like a breath of fresh air, Ethan's the total opposite of Abby. He's tough, but he is as fair as he can be and he never degrades his dancers, he very rarely fights with the moms there and never berates them when they lose a competition." Gianna answered.

"Cool." Paige said. "I wish Ethan was our dance teacher."

"What she said." Kendall commented.

"Yeah, since Abby fired you, she has become and even bigger tyrant and even the replacement assistant choreographer, who's name is Veronica can't stand her either but she's hanging on." Kelly told Gianna.

"I don't blame her." Gianna said.

"Me either." Ethan added.

"We don't know how much more we can take from Abby. Everytime somebody brings up Ethan, his studio, Chloe and/or Christi, Abby flips out." Jill sighed.

"We even tried to do a sit-in, but Abby threatened us if we did it, she would trash our daughters' names in the dancing world like she attempted to with Chloe and we had no choice." Holly stated. "I wish we could join your studio because at least you know your limits."

"I know you have to deal with Abby until the end of the year, but maybe i can put a good word in for you for next season if you're up for it." Ethan told them.

"Sounds like a great idea." Jill commented. "Question, are you two dating now?"

"Yes, we are." Gianna answered as Brooke, Paige, Nia, Kendall, Kelly, Holly and Jill were all so happy that Gianna found love.

What they didn't know was that Melissa was there and she recorded the whole thing, she could not believe that Gianna was hired by Ethan the day after Abby had fired her, in addition, the girls and moms were talking to Ethan and also, she found out Ethan and Gianna were now dating. Melissa then sent a text to Abby and let her know what was going on.

Meanwhile, at Abby's house, Abby was watching TV and she got the text from Melissa and when she opened it, she nearly dropped the remote and undeniable anger was on her face.

"WHAT?!" Abby roared, she could not believe that her former assistant choreographer was hired by Ethan a day after she fired her. "That no good lousy-- All right, if he wants to take my trash, i'll just leave him a message."

Abby then got up, put some shoes on and exited her house and drove out to Malibu, a sinister look on her face.

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