Chapter 1: Kicked out of the ALDC, Big bro to the rescue

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It was a new week and the day was October 21st and in a city called Los Angeles, California, which had the sun shining year round with warm temperatures, traffic was bottled up on the expressway since it was the afternoon and it was rush hour and kids were heading home from school either by riding a school bus or having their parents pick them up.

On a street called Santa Monica boulevard, there was a Chevrolet Express van and driving it was a 36 year old blonde lady with brown eyes named Christi Lukasiak and in the van with her daughter, who was a 12 year old named Chloe. They were arriving at a building that said "Abby Lee Dance Company" and they parked in the parking lot.

"Chloe, remember, no matter what Abby tries to do, she knows that you have people that love you and if Abby can't see that you're talented, everyone else sees it." Christi said.

"Thanks for the assurance mom, maybe this will be the year that we prove Abby wrong." Chloe responded, getting a hug from her mother, then they got ouf of the van, approached the studio, but a heavy woman around 48 with black hair and green eyes was blocking the entrance named Abby Lee Miller, who is a dance teacher and four other women were standing there, one was an ash blonde haired woman around 45 with a sneer on her face and her name was Melissa Ziegler, a 42 year old woman with short brown hair, a 48 year old woman with auburn hair and a 43 year old woman with brown hair and the names of those three women are Kelly Hyland, Jill Vertes and Holly Frazier were looking on.

"Miss Abby, why are you giving us that look, was it something we did?" Chloe asked, seeing her dance teacher glare at her.

"Chloe, i am sick and tired of you not caring about dance, you can't handle losing when Maddie beats you and you only get lucky when you beat her, so i want you and your mother to get out of my studio and never return! Now! The things with my name on it stay here and whatever has your name on it can go with you!" Abby screamed.

Christi was very enraged that Abby would kick her daughter out of the Abby Lee Dance Company, every week she witnessed her daughter try to get in the good graces of Abby, but she gets verbally and mentally beaten down and has to watch Maddie win while Melissa smirked, Holly and Kelly were glaring at Abby while Jill wasn't happy either.


"Shut up, Kelly! I would love to throw you and your daughters out too if you don't keep your mouth shut!" Abby demanded and she saw Holly and Jill about to interject. but a glare from the dance teacher quieted them before they could say anything.

Chloe felt her heart break at what her dance teacher had just said, she had been there since she was two and now, she was no longer a part of the Abby Lee Dance Company.

"What are you waiting for, GET OUT!" Abby ordered.

"I promise you this, Abby, you'll see again someday and she'll be a success without you!" Christi vowed as Chloe ran to her and she hugged her crying daughter. "Maybe we'll get better training with somebody else rather than you!"

"Really? What studio would waste their time on a no-talent blondie?" Abby sneered. "She'll never be a star, i'll make sure of it and if she does, then it will only last for a few seconds and she'll be a loser and even if she joins another studio, they'll get rid of her after a week because they'll realize that she is slowing them down! Maybe with a new hobby, she'll succeed at that."

"Yeah, just listen to Abby and do something normal instead of dance." Melissa added.

"Abby we should think about this." Jill stated.

"Jill, shut up!" Abby ordered, then she turned to the now ex-ALDC dancer. "Chloe, you and your mother have 10 minutes to leave this studio or i'm calling the cops!"

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