Chapter 10: Icing on the cake, ALDC Mutiny

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Four months passed and it was July 5th, which was the big day for the dancing season as it was Nationals and outside of the, a bus was seen arriving and the fans were booing Abby over vandalizing Ethan's studio, but cheered Brooke, Paige, Kendall, Jill and their moms, but Maddie, Mackenzie and Melissa were also booed. Abby was glaring at a fan that was holding up a sign that said "Abby fears Ethan", but the fan was not deterred as she continued to hold up the sign.

Minutes later, a limo was seen arriving and pulled up behind the bus, getting out of the limo was Ethan as the crowd cheered him and getting out of the vehicle with him was Gianna, getting out after them were Chloe, Mallory, Sally, Allison, Ashley, Jessica, Danielle and their moms. Chloe had a solo named Blackout Danielle also had a solo called Limitless, Mallory and Sally had a duet called Swagger and there was the group which was named Set Yourself Free.

"You may have gotten lucky against me at other competitions you little punk, but you'll never beat me today here at Nationals because your luck is about to run out!" Abby sneered.

"Really, we'll see about that." Ethan retorted.

"Come on, crew. We've got a fatty to beat." Gianna stated as she, Ethan and crew headed to their dressing room and on their way, they ran into Cathy and the Candy Apples.

"Hey, Cathy." Ethan greeted.

"Hello, Ethan." Cathy replied. "How's it going?"

"It's going good, we've got two solos, a duet and the group."

"That's great and we only have a group dance. Hopefully one of us beats Abby or she doesn't place."

"Yeah." Ethan commented, then he noticed Nick's ankle was taped up in bandages. "What happened to Nick's ankle because i'm noticing that it's taped up."

"He sprained it yesterday and i told him to sit this out as a precaution." Cathy explained.

"Wish you a speedy recovery, Nick."

"Thanks, Ethan."

"You're welcome." Ethan stated before they headed to their respective dressing rooms to get ready for Nationals as Chloe, Danielle, Mallory and Sally got ready for their dances as they would be up first and when they werre done, they headed to the stage as Ethan, Gianna, Ashley, Allison, Jessica and the moms of MEDC went to take their seats.

"Coming up next to the stage, Blackout by Chloe!" Chloe walked on to the stage and was in the middle of the stage. Right from the start of her music, Chloe began dancing like her life was depending on it and at the end of the music, she did a pose to conclude her solo before heading off stage.

"Oh, please." Abby muttered. "Maddie's gonna blow blondie out of the water and that'll prove she and her idiot mother made a mistake going to that moron's studio."

"You got that right." Melissa commented.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Holly said, which earned her a glare from Abby and Melissa.

"Next, Sunset by Maddie!" Maddie went on the stage and was in her pose before the music started, she did well with her dancing but there were flaws and at one point, she nearly tripped but kept her balance before she completed her dance.

"Coming up, we have Limitless by Danielle!" Danielle strutted on the stage and was in her starting pose and she was great with her dancing, making sure not to mess up and when the music ended, she posed and left the stage and next up were the duet/trio dances.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, here is Mallory and Sally with Swagger!" Mallory and Sally walked on the stage and they danced really well from start to finish and at the end, the Evans sisters posed and headed off stage.

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