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"You had fun today?" Mom asked, looking at me and Rafe. "Mhm." I nodded with my mouth full. "Is Rafe being nice?" Wheezie asked. Rafe sighed, looking at his food. I don't think they trust him that much after what happened. "Yeah he is." I said, looking at Rafe who is sitting beside me. I looked away and locked my gaze on Sarah who is literally staring into my soul. "You and me. Talk." She mouthed with an unsatisfied face. Well I'm in deep shit. I nodded.

"Thanks for the dinner, Mom and... Rose." I exclaimed as I jog upstairs to my room. As I was about to shut the door, Rafe slid himself inside in between. "What the fuck, Rafe." I laughed. "Not so fast you, come here!" He exclaimed, tackled me till we both fell onto my bed. "Rafe! Stop!" I exclaimed in between catching my breath while Rafe was tickling me. We played around for a bit until we heard a cough by the door. "Ehem." We both looked at the door and saw Sarah was standing by it. "Well, that's my que to leave. Good night." Rafe get off from bed and I fixed myself. "Sarah." Rafe acknowledged his little sister before going out. Sarah nodded as she watch her brother closed the door.

"Look y/n. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing you happy but what's going on?" Sarah asked , sitting beside me. "What do you mean what's going on?" I asked back , playing dumb. "Oh you know. You and Rafe?" she raised a brow. "What about it Sarah?" I shrugged, getting off my bed and walk towards the window.. "Are you guys like together?" she asked. "Oh no no no. We're not together. There's nothing happen between us. " I denied, as I turn around looking back at her.

That's what i'm going to do. Deny, deny, deny.

"If there's anything going on, why act like something is going on?" Sarah asked again. I kept silent. "Is there something you and Rafe are hiding from me?" she asked. "No." I replied shortly. "Then? what's going on?" she asked again. "Nothing's going on, Sarah." I denied again. "God sake, y/n. I know there's something going on. I know you. Come on, you're better than this." she exclaimed. i jumped. "Sorry. I am just so worried about you. Not just me but everyone. Kie, Pope, JB too. You've been acting so weird lately and Rafe, my brother isn't the best man." she apologized.

Deny, deny, deny.

I looked to Sarah's face. She really does looked worried and I hate lying. Plus there is really something going on. I give up. "Fine." I sighed. I am so bad at this. "I'm gonna tell you everything but please don't judge me." I said. Sarah smiled and nodded. We both sat on the bed, facing each other. Here goes nothing. I took a deep breath before starting to talk.

" Its just I think I had all of it figured out, just when I finally get to plan something, get ahold of it. I knew the paths, the direction I wanted to take. Before I can even get started to walk, it just changed. The signs changed because the wind blew it the other way. North is suddenly south and west is suddenly east. And the next second, I'm lost. Just lost." I explained.

"So you're confused? But what about?" she asked. "My feelings, Sarah." I said, looking at her. "Towards what? who?" She asked. I sighed before continuing. "Your brother and-" I stopped before the name slipped out of my mouth. "and who, y/n?" Sarah put her hand on mine, showing that its okay. I took a deep breath. "JJ." i said.

She was surprised at first. "JJ? go on." she said. Then, I told her every thing that happened. From Rafe to JJ's situation.

"Then? You and JJ kissed?" Sarah freaked out. "No! well almost. Lower down, I don't want Rafe to hear anything or else he's going to be pissed as fuck." I whispered. "Jesus Christ. This is a lot." Sarah sighed. "This is some situation you're in." she nodded. 'I am in deep shit, you have no idea." I laughed. "Well my advice is try to figure out what you want. That is the best for you." Sarah said, pointing at me. "Wise." i rolled my eyes playfully. "What I meant was, try to go out with Rafe first. If it doesn't make you happy, then change you know. It's gonna be hard because the other person is gonna hurt but you'll feel it too as well. Because you know. The guilt will haunt you but you have to do what makes you happy. Make your own choices that makes you happy. Put yourself first before these two dbags." she said. "You talked like a pro." I smirked. "Lets just say i've been there before." she laughed.

"I appreciate you for opening up to me, y/n. I really do." Sarah said as she get off the bed. I nodded. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." she said, crossing her heart. "Thanks, Sarah." I smiled. "Anytime girlie." she smiled back before shutting the door. "Oh yeah, y/n." she opened it back. i raised a brow at her.

"You're always one decision away from a different life." she winked and shut the door behind her. I flopped onto the bed. I stared at the ceiling, thinking about what Sarah just said. Maybe she's right, I need to know what's best for me. In this situation, is who's the best for me. Besides that. I felt heaps better talking to someone about my shit. Ya'll should try it.

Sarah= best friend as fuck. Anyways, I just discovered a song called Pogue Style by Justin Magnaye. It released a year ago and I just knew about it a few days ago. Another reason for ya'll to attack me. Its a banger tho'. Ya'll should check it out.

- chyn

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