On going Journey

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The rising sun is indicating the fresh beginning of the morning. Rays of light, bird's chirping, pretty wind all over mixes and creates a new hope of surviving. It also gives the energy of the new battle of life.

-"Hyun! Hyun!! Get up."
A lady from a little House from that heavenly place is echoing her voice in order to wake up her little 6 years old boy. Her steps also getting hurrier along with her voice.

-"Aish this boy!"

With that the lady rushed towards the yard where she hopes to find her boy and he was there.

-"you're here and I was finding you in the whole house." Said the lady.

-"Mumma, see I've given them pulses."
The boy said showing his Mumma his index finger towards the pigeons.

-"But they are quarreling. Why Mumma? Can't they eat in peace?"

The lady smiled a little bit hearing her boy's question. She bend down to his level where he was sitting and started wiping out the dust of his cloths.

-"Yes they can but after winning."

The boy looked towards his mother with his mysterious sambaegan eyes.

-"It's called the battle of survival. Umm, when u are hungry and u have foods, will u give the foods to others? Or if they snatch from u, will u just stand there doing nothing?"

-"NO!" The boy said standing up from the place. His voice includes little deepness and dominance.

-"Why I'll give them? I've to eat that for myself."

-"Exactly. It's the same point for them also." His mother said smiling.

-"I got it now Mumma." He replied smiling brightly which seemed a boxy smile.

-"Now get up. You're getting late for school."

-" Is it necessary to go to school everyday.?" Hyun said with a lazy voice showing the denying of going school.

-"Did u say something? I'm sorry I couldn't hear it. Say again." She said frowning a little.

-"Umm...n-no. no . I'm going." With that he rushed towards the house but stopped in the middle.

-"What happened again? Why u stop?"

Hyun come back to his mother again and gave a little peck to his mother's cheek.

-"I've forgotten. Good morning Mumma!!" Saying that he again ran towards inside. There left his mother who is now smiling brightly about thinking her boy.

-"It's the 9th time I'm telling u Mrs. Kim. Why can't he stop?" The Principal of Hyun's school asked his mother. She is Y/N. Mrs. Kim Y/N, mother of Kim Hyun.

-"I've warned him so many times but he doesn't listen." Y/N replied in low tone.

Again she is called about informing Hyun's behaviour in school. It has now becoming a routine to Y/N that she has to visit often Hyun's school and listen the principal's lecture for hours.

-"I'm considering for the last time Mrs. Kim. If I have to call u again then I'm sorry that u have to change the school of your child." The principal said maintaining her strict voice.

-"It won't happen again."

Y/N is now on the way of her workplace. She works in a restaurant as a cashier. Usually she goes there after dropping Hyun to his school. But for today's meeting she again going there late. Now she is going there along with Hyun, whose school has ended for today about 10 minutes ago.

-"Why don't you listen to me? Can't u listen to me for once? Do I have to hear this again and again?"
Y/N asked to Hyun walking on the road.
Hyun replied nothing just hanged his head low and catching the steps on the road.

-"Answer me. Don't keep quite!" She said this time raising her voice a little bit.

-"I-I am so-sorry Mumma." He said.

-"How many times u will tell me this things again? Why do u keep fighting with others? I've told u no fighting, no beating. Right? Then why?" She again said in disappointment tone.

-"Then what should I do Mumma?" This time Hyun raised his voice to his mother.

-"They always keep bullying me saying that I've no father, where is my father, why can't he show up... Mumma, please tell me where is my father?" A tear dropped from Hyun's cheek which shattered Y/N's heart into pieces.

-"I've told u he will come back soon. Now let's go I'm getting late." Again ignoring his questions she started her steps .

-"Lie!!! It's all lie. You never tell me where is my father.. you're telling lie!!!"
With that Hyun ran to the backside.

-"Hyun!!" But she didn't approach to him. She knew where he will go. He is safe there to his neighbour's grandma's house.
This is not the first time Hyun asking about his father. But she always consoled him telling that he will come back which is completely a lie. A drop of tear escaped from her eyes. She quickly wiped it and made her walk through the restaurant.

To be continued~

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