The Matchmaker

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A young man, about 25 years, grunted as he trained dilligently, swinging his sword, as sweat travelled down his face.

An older man walked up to him, making the young man pause.

"General." The young man greeted, bowing.

"At ease soldier. I bring news." The General said, holding a scroll.

"From a mother to her husband and son."

Shang relaxed slightly, raising his eyebrows in confusion, at his father's happy, yet worried look.

"What is it father?" 

"Apparently, your sister is going to see the matchmaker today." Li informed, grimacing slightly.

Shang laughed. "Worried father?"

"A bit. You know your sister, how can I not be worried?"

Shang places a hand on his father's shoulder, patting it reassuredly.

"I'm sure [Y/n] will be fine."

Li sighed. "I can only hope so."

A cock crowed as the sun rose over the Li's family compound.

Morning found [Y/n] in the barn, doing her chores 

She was currently chopping some wood, sweat on her eyebrows, as she grunted with every swing of her axe.

"[Y/n]! [Y/n]! [Y/n]!"

She paused, axe in hand, as Jet came running to her.

The young boy had grown a bit now, being 13 years of age.

He panted, tires from the running, resting his hands on his knees, hunched over.

"Jet what's up? Are you okay?"

"Mom said to call you, you need to be in town now!" Jet with a tone of urgency.

"What? Is it time already?" [Y/n] asked bewildered.

"Hmmn mmmn." Jet nodded, making [Y/n] sigh.

"Alright." She dropped the axe. "Let's go then."

General Li walked inside his tent, then pulled a slate of ancient runes and hieroglyphics from his pack, setting them down and lighting a small candle beside it.

Li knelt down before it, bowing as he prayed.

"Honorable ancestors, please help [Y/n] impress the matchmaker today. Please….…Please help her."

[M/n] stood anxiously outside a beauty shop, looking out into town, hoping to see her daughter.

"[M/n], is your daughter here yet? The Matchmaker is not a patient woman." The owner of the shop said to her, before going back inside.

"Oh, of all the days to be late. I should have prayed to the ancestors for luck." [M/n] said.

"It's all your fault, you are the one who……"

"Yes, yes. I didn't raise her as a proper lady and she doesn't know when to be early. I've heard that a thousand times Meng." [M/n] said, irritated at her sister.

Meng scoffed, turning away from her.

[Y/n] comes riding up on a horse, and hops off.

"I'm here." [Y/n] said, running a hand through her hair.

[M/n] gave her a look.

"What? But, Mama, I had to……."

"None of your excuses." [M/n] said, then pushed her daughter into the beauty shop, Meng following. "Now, let's get you cleaned up."

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