Be A Man

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The crack of dawn saw [Y/n] doing her early morning warm-ups.

From push-ups to sit-ups, to practicing her fighting skills, as she got ready for the day.

[Y/n] paused her warm-up session when she heard grunts coming from another part of the clearing.

Feeling curious, she creeped over, peeking from behind a bush.

Shang's eyebrows were furrowed as he focused on his training. Sweat dripping from his forehead as he spared with an invisible opponent.

He threw a kick in the air and landed gracefully, panting slightly.

A twig snapped and he turned towards the sound almost immediately.

"I know you're out there." He said, glaring at the bushes. "There's no point hiding. Come out now!"

[Y/n] flinched hearing her brother's voice.

"Curse my curiosity." She whispered under her breath.

"I said come out! Now!"

She took a deep breath, slapping her cheeks repeatedly, putting on a brave face as she emerged out of the bush.

Shang raised a brow at the recruit that came out of the bush.

"What were you doing behind there?" He asked firmly.

[Y/n] cleared her throat, trying to deepen her voice.

"G…good morning Captain. I was just doing some warm-ups when I heard some noises and I….eh wanted to check it out." 

"Really?" Shang asked, sizing the recruit up 

[Y/n] mentally rolled her eyes at her brother's cockiness.

"What's your name?"

"Oh um……i…it's Ping." [Y/n] said, faltering a bit.

"Ping? What kind of a name is Ping?" Shang asked, scrunching up his nose.

"Well I'm afraid you'll have to ask my father sir." [Y/n] replied sassily.

Shang scoffed amused, making her inwardly smirk in victory.

"You look……very familiar." Shang said, drawing closer to [Y/n]. "Have I seen you before?"

[Y/n] panicked and walked back, maintaining a long distance between her and her brother.

"I….I highly doubt that sir. I just have one of those familiar faces that you see a lot in the market. It's completely normal, I hear that a lot sir." She explained hurriedly.


A fanfare blew, preventing any further conversation.

"That's the morning signal. Go back to your tent and get ready for training in five minutes." Shang ordered loudly.

"Yes sir." [Y/n] said, bowing, before practically running away from her brother.

"Phew, that was so close." She sighed in relief.

[Y/n] stood in line with the other men, patiently waiting for training to start. Her eyes scan through the men when she realized something, Mulan wasn't there 

Where was he?

She glanced back at the hills, looking forward again, before closing her eyes, making a decision.

Mulan just woke up, as Mushu stuffed food into his mouth.

"Now, remember, it's your first day of training, so listen to your teacher and no fighting, play nice with the other kids, unless, of course, the other kids want to fight, then you gotta kick the other kid's butt." Mushu said, smirking at the end.

A Girl Worth Fighting For (Male Mulan X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now