The Call To Serve

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Drums sound outside, making the [Y/n] raise her head up from her mother's lap.

"What is it?" She asked, making [M/n] shrug.

The two young women came out to the steets, Meng and Jet behind them, along with other people from their respective homes, coming to see what the commotion was.

Imperial soldiers, along with the Emperor's Councilman, came riding down the hill, stopping before the citizens.

"Citizens! I bring a proclamation from the Imperial City!" Chi Fu announced.

"The Huns have invaded China! By order of the Emperor, one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army." He pulled out a scroll, reading from it.

"The Hsiao Family!" A man from that family walked forward, taking the scroll from Chi Fu. "The Yi Family!"

"I will serve the Emperor in my father's place." A young man said, taking the scroll from Chi Fu.

"The Wang Family!"

"No!" Meng cried, pulling her son back.

"The Wang family has no man to serve the Emperor." [M/n] said firmly, glaring up at Chi Fu

"Ah, but reports state that they have one surviving son, I'm sure he will suffice." Chi Fu said.

"But he's just a child. The Wang family are relatives with the Fa family, and we have two men serving in the army, surely that should make up for the child till he's old enough to serve in the army." [Y/n] said, trying to reason with the Councilman.

"Silence!" Chi Fu exclaimed at the young lady, then looked up at [M/n]. "You will do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence."

[M/n] glared at the man, and drew her daughter to herself.

"Note that if the Wang family does not deliver their male to serve, there will be severe punishment."

Meng sniffled, holding her child closer to herself.

Jet looked up to his mother, then patted her hand.

"Mama, it's okay."

He walked out of her hands, moving to Chi Fu.

"I am ready to serve the Emperor." Jet said loudly, bowing before the Councilman.

[Y/n] shook her head unbelievably, with [M/n] holding her crying sister.

"Report tomorrow at the Wu Zhong Camp." Chi Fu said, handing Jet a scroll.

"Yes, sir." The young boy said firmly.

Chi Fu turned away, and continued calling out. "The Chu Family! The Chang Family! The Yong Family!"

It was evening now, and [Y/n] stood behind a pillar watching as [M/n] gave Jet one her father's valued swords.

Jet swinged the sword back and forth a few times, before looking up at his Aunt who looked at him with sad eyes, and then patted his head.

[Y/n] shook her head and walked away, not bearing to watch anymore.

The women and Jet sat down at dinner.

The table was quiet.

[Y/n] poured the tea, then looked up to observe the faces of everyone else sitting there.

Meng looked down at her tea numbly, her sister patting her hand comfortingly, while Jet was quiet, a solemn look on his face.

[Y/n] growled and set the teapot down with a bang.

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