Ch - 7

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It was currently 3 pm, and Taeguk was laying on the couch bored. Today was the party held for the collaboration which Taeguk didnt wanted to attend. He knew he would be alone because everyone would be busy in their own thing. So finally convincing his mother he was allowed to stay alone.

However he got bored soon.

Nothing caught his attention. He groaned and leaned his back at the couch, he looked at the white ceiling, bored to death.

He looked at the main door, and thought, that going out for only one time, won't hurt.

Taeguk walked towards the door and stood befor it. He was having an inner fight with himself as to go and disobey his mother or not go and die out of boredom. And he choosed the right one.

To go.

He looked down at the umbrella basket (idk what it's called) and scoot down pulling out the door key.

He then opened the door and went outside, not forgetting to lock the door. He made his way inside the elevator, hopping inside it, and pressing the last floor button.

The elevator started moving down, he waited patiently till it reached the down floor. The elevator stoped, and the doors opened making a ding sound, indicating Taeguk that he reached the down floor.

He stepped outside and made his way to the gates. Once he reached, he hesitated for a brief moment. Taking a deep breath and clenching his fist, he stepped one leg out of the door. A smile bloomed on his face and he was already out of the gates.

It was the first time he was going out side with no one beside him. He looked at left, then at right, and carefully crossed the street. He walked for some seconds, and spotted the place he was looking for.

He entered the park, and saw many childrens playing there. He hoped towards the swings, and saw someone else was sitting on it.

It was a boy, surrounded by some black suited men with one of them pushing the swing.

He walked near the boy and asked " Hey! Is the other swing taken? " Taeguk pointed at the other swing.

The other boy, looked at him, and smiled. "No it's not! " The boy said cheerfully.

Taeguk smiled at the boy and hoped on the swing.... He tried to move it, but in vain.

The other boy noticed that Taeguk was having struggle with the swing, so he looked at one of the black suited man and he requested the man to come towards him.

" Can you help him please?" The boy pleaded to the man. The man nodded and pushed the swing where Taeguk was sitting.

Taeguk looked back and saw the man, he recognised it was one of them from the black suited group.

He looked at the boy and the boy smiled.

"You were struggling with it so I told him to help you! " the new boy said giving a dimple smile.

" Oh thank you! By the way I am Kim Taeguk! " He said extending his hand forward to the boy, the man already stopped pushing Taeguk to let him introduce to the other boy.

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