Ch - 28

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" Damn it! Fuck that Taehyung and Jungkook's illegitimate son! Jungkook is mine and he only has one child which I am carrying!" Haru screamed, throwing anything on the wall that comes into her hand. Her hair was disheveled and her moist eyes had her mascara dripping onto her cheeks. Her lipstick was all ruined and spread across her mouth.

Mr. Kang, Kang Hyunseok, just stood there watching her with fear covered eyes, sweat dripping from his face and mouth occasionally opening to call out to her, trying to stop her from destroying anything else which could possibly grab any unwanted attention.

" Haru, Haru please..... The b-baby might get hurt. " Hyunseok whispered, his voice coming out as a stutter. Haru stops, relieving Hyunseok for a moment who sighs out in desperation.

" The baby? Huh? The baby! This fucking thing that can't even do the least for it's mother! I will kill this damn creature! " Haru yells, eyes full of rage and voice dripping with deadly venom. Hyunseok was shocked, horrified with what he heard, his hands trembled and eyes shot open wide hearing such venomous words.

His moments of shock short lived as what he saw next brought hot tears in his eyes. He sprinted towards the woman who seemed to be out of her mind, hitting her belly aggressively and yelling profanities. Her eyes looked maddening, as if they were about to pop out of their sockets.

Hyungseok was absolutely horrified. Beyond horrified to be more accurate. He had seen Haru going crazy and out of her mind many times, but this time, she was crazier. Her deepest fear that Jungkook would leave her is coming true, and she would tolerate everything, even the unborn child's death, except, her and Jungkook's separation.

After all she had to go through, after she was forced without her consent and was used like a fucking slave who will only do what has been told..... It was enough, more than enough and she has a limit of enduring things too.

That good for nothing bitch Tisha, her so called aunt atleast was able to do something and make Haru look like the victim. But oh well, even after so many warnings from her, Tisha was too over confident and ended up dead.

' I gave you food, shelter and warm clothes to protect you from the cold of the streets that you were sleeping on, and in return, I want you to do something for me. Make him fall for you. '

Huh..... So funny. Jungkook just seems to feel the exact opposite of what Tisha wanted. And that too, in a large load.

" Haru, stop! Please don't do this! You cannot hurt the child!" Hyungseok begged, voice desperate and broken but all his pleas went deaf to Haru. Her hands were held back by Kang but she still struggled to hit her womb and hurt the poor unborn soul.

Hyungseok sobbed, eyes leaving tears of desperation but he didn't let his blurry eyes stop him from holding Haru's hands tightly.

All he ever wanted was her attention. From the day she stepped in the mansion.

He felt the long haired beautiful girl go limp, her body shaking from the heartbreaking cries her mouth couldn't stop holding back. She hates herself, her face, her body and everything about her. Because if she was perfect, they why wouldn't Jungkook love her?

" Hyunseok.... Why? Why do-doesn't he loves me back?" The hurt voice that echoed in the room left Hyungseok crying more. If only he could tell her that he loves her.

" It's okay Haru, sleep. Everything will be okay. " Hyungseok whispers.

He is determined to fulfill every little wish of Haru. Let it be killing a ten year old child or the mother of that child, he will do it.

' I am the father, and I will do everything to protect my child and love.'

Jungkook breaths out, a lone drop of sweat gliding down his forehead. He was nervous, almost at the verge of passing out but he took a deep breath once again and rubbed both his hands together. His eyes stayed on the door, just like they were since ten minutes before.

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