Ch - 17

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9 months later.....

" The fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck-"

" For fucks sake you are gonna be a grandpa today! Behave! And relax! nothing's gonna ha-" " AAAAAAAH" Taehyung's scream resonated through the whole hospital making both Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim, Yeonjun and his parents flinch and worry more.

" You heard that? You fucking heard that!? My son is screaming like he is in hell and you are telling me to relax? Shit- holy fuck I can't I will break this door if I hear Taehyung scream for once mo-" " AAAAAAAH" Mr. Choi and Yeonjun had to hold Mr. Kim who was yelling and trying to break into the room.

" Sir this is a hospital, be-" " You shut up! Who the hell are you to tell me that!? It ain't your father's property that we have to do whatever you say! Go and mind your own work! " Mr. Kim glared at the nurse who widen her eyes and scurried away from the place.

" Eyo old man calm down! " Mrs. Choi tried calming down her brother but Mr. Kim just whined like 5 year old child. " But my son is screaming! "

" We know! We have ears too and we can hear-......" Mrs. Kim's voiced went low and her eyes widen just like other's.

They can hear it.

" THE BABY IS FUCKING BORN KSIWJWNAN I AM A GRANDPA NOW!! I WILL HAVE A CUTE BABY IN MY ARMS CALLING ME GRANDPA!! THANK YOU SO MUCH GOD! YOU ARE SO AMAZING! PLEASE MARRY ME! " Mr. Kim screamed but when he looked around he saw other people looking at him weirdly, and his family no where, and then he realized that they were inside the room to see the baby without him!

He slammed open the door with shining eyes and a big smile. He saw his family surrounding the bed where Taehyung was sleeping. They were cooing and saying words like 'cute' and 'iwwizhsjs'......? Probably Yeonjun.

He walked upto the bed and got between his wife and Yeonjun, and what he saw was the most adorable thing in the whole world.

The baby was sleeping with his eyes closed and was pink in color. He almost had tears in his eyes but controlled it. ( somi - me when I saw my lil bro for the very motherfucking first time👽)

" Congratulations Mr. Kim! The baby is a boy! And totally healthy! " The doctor interrupted making them turn there heads around with a big smile.

" M-maa" a weak voice suddenly came out from behind, they whipped there head back and saw Taehyung opening his eyes with a scrunched faced.

" Oh my son! Drink this water. " Mrs. Kim gave him a glass of water, he took it and slowly drank it feeling his dry throat get wet.

" M-my baby? " he eyes landed on the fluff ball wrapped around those cute clothes sleeping peacefully. His eyes suddenly filled with tears making Mrs. Kim hug him lightly.

" Don't cry. You are my strong baby right? " Mrs. Kim rubbed his back soothingly who sniffled nodding his head.

" It's a boy hyung! I will teach him how to ride bicycles! Can I!? " Yeonjun said enthusiasticly, making the people inside the room laugh.

" It's a b-boy? Can I hold h-him? " Taehyung said and the nurse who was standing in the corner all the time nodded, walking upto them and picking the baby oh so gently.

She moved her arms which carried the baby near Taehyung, who extended his arms and was feeling all giddy. She plced the little human in his arm which made Taehyung's heart go haywire.

The feeling of holding the being who was living inside him for nine months was incredible. Tbe feeling was undescribale in words and he just knew, that this little boy was his life now.

" Does anyone has a name for my little pumpkin? " Mrs. Kim asked. Eyes shining from happy tears while Mrs. Choi just hugged her sister in law, unable to move her eyes away from the newly turned mother and the beautiful child.

" Let's name him Lucky char-"

" Taeguk. "

They smiled widely hearing the beautiful name roll out of Taehyung's lips. " Where did you get the name? " Yeonjun exclaimed.

Taehyung's smile dropped a little, he can't tell them from where he got the name. They will probably change his name to something else.

" J-just came in my mouth. " he lied and gave a little smile to them who smiled back.

" Okay then! Welcome our new family member, Kim Taeguk. "

One year later.....

" Eomma! Look! He is crawling!"

Two years later....

" Honey! Look our grandson said he loves me more! "

Three years later.....

" Holy moly! He said grandpa is the best! Najskjs I am living my best life! "

Four years later....

"Wanna know how babies are made? "

" Yeonjun he is four! "

" I don't know! What am I supposed to do with it!? "

Five years later.....

" And then we used to swim through the whole ocean just to reach our school! "

" Oh god appa! You are his granduncle! Not uncle! It should be me who should say that to him! "

Six years later.....

" Look what I made for you baby! Your favorite sweets! Isn't you grandaunt the best!? "

Seven years later.....

" Appa will kill me if he knows I watch porn at this age! "

Taeguk qas everythinh for them. There light in darkness, their guide in their life, the reason for them to live. The smalk child was Taehyung's everuthing.

Taehyung have been giving everything to Taeguk. His family never let Taeguk feel the need of his other parent.

Ever Since Taeguk was born, his mind was averted from the pain Jungkook gave him. But Jungkook himself, was never out of his mind. He was happy with his small little family.

But suddenly one day..... They met.....


You all be like 'i love this book' ' it's so good' 'pls update' and shit. If you want updates! If u love this book! Then why don't u vote? Like u know how much a writer loves it when u vote for them and tell them ur (good) comments? And listen! I don't only write for u all to read, but also because i love it. If i don't feel like writing i won't, and if i want to then only i will do it.

But wtvr, Love You 💜

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