Chapter 6 - Run away Sinner

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Sage was rescued two days ago. Lorenzo hasn't left her side for a moment neither have her uncles, grandmas and grandfather Jaime, she's always surrounded by the people that love her and that she calls family.

With Jaime being a doctor they didn't have to take her to the hospital. He patched her up, removed the bullet from her shoulder blade, and tried to keep her hydrated while she was unconscious. The only problem now is that Sage has a huge fever. Sage's temperature rounds around forty degrees and never drops below thirty-nine, this starts to become dangerous and because of this matter, Jaime had to call everyone in for an emergency meeting.

And it was while Lorenzo, Leane, Valeria, John, Omar, Joe, Jaime, Scott, Dwain, and Alan were in that emergency meeting that Sage woke up.

~~ Twenty four minutes before Sage woke up ~~

At the meeting.

"Why did you call us here Jaime?" One of the many displeased males in the room asked.

"Yeah, why couldn't one of us stay with Sage? She's hurt and sick, she shouldn't be alone." Someone else complained.

"I called you all here because I need to speak with you. We need to make a big decision regarding Sage's health." This caught everyone's attention. The complaining stopped and they all got serious.

"What is it regarding my niece's health?" John asked Jaime rudely.

"John!" Leane call's out her son's name in a warning tone, her eyes telling it all, she was warning him about his manners but right now, none of the men inside that tiny room were particularly worried about manners. John rolled his eyes and crossed his arms waiting like a patient adult to know what is going on with his niece.

"Her fever does not go down, it hasn't been going down for the past two days and it is getting dangerous for Sage to keep going like this. We need to take her to a hospital, they will be able to lower her temperature since they have better tools than I have at home." The room fell silent for a moment as everyone let this new information sink in.

"We can't take her to a hospital." Leane exclaimed. "People will start asking questions, the cops will show up and besides all that, there are more diseases at the hospital than there are at home." The ten people in the room shared a look and silently agreed with everything Leane said.

"In sum, Sage isn't stable enough to fly yet but we can't take her to the hospital." Valeria concluded

"As soon as she is stable I'm taking her to Sicily, she'll have the best doctors and nurses looking after her!" Lorenzo proclaimed with a determined look in his eyes and his sons immediately supported him, agreeing one hundred percent with what their father said.

"And why take her to a hospital when we could just simply keep her here and rob all the things you need to help her? You give us a list with all the tools and meds you need and we will get it for you." The Paolo brothers suggested.

"That way she won't be exposed nor in danger and we can be by her side anytime we want and there will be no one kicking us out." Joe completed their idea and waited for everyone's decision.

And it was while everyone was pondering that idea that Sage woke up.


I woke feeling cold and sweaty, my body ached all over but I felt weirdly comfortably. The swelling in my eyes has gone down a lot, I don't know how long I was unconscious for but it must have been for more than a day for I can now open both of my eyes, one not completely but the other I can.

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