Chapter 6

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Mike's POV:
"Why would he rather stay with a woman he might've just met instead of coming with us?" I asked. I just got a lot of "I don't knows."
"That-" I cut myself off by making a u-turn.
"What are you doing?" Fritz asked. Luckily Vincent wasn't here.
"Going back, I just noticed something," I said.
"Noticed what," Pg asked.
"He's at Freddy Fuckbear's Killer Zone," I said.

Jeremy's POV:
"So, how old are you turning?" Linda asked.
"Twenty one," I said.
"I'm turning twenty one in a couple of months!" She exclaimed. We smiled. I looked around the pizzeria. "Do you have a job?"
"No, I just moved back here a few days ago," I explained. She nodded and looked around the room as well.
"They need a new night watch here," she says point to a sign on the wall. "Maybe you could see if it's not taken."
"Ok, I'll be right back then," I said standing up. She nodded as I left. I found the boss quickly. "Uh, h-hello?" I tapped his shoulder. He turned around.
"Hello! Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria, how can I help you?" He asked in a big friendly voice.
"I was wondering if the job for the new night guard is still open," I said.
"Oh, of course it is!" He said. "You wanna be the night guard?"
"Yeah, I mean if I'm able to," I said.
"Well yeah you can, here," he said handing me a uniform. "You start from twelve am to six am, got it?"
"Y-yeah," I nodded. the boss explained a few more things. I have a partner.
I went back to Linda and told her that I had to go home. She nodded and gave me her phone number so we can contact each other.

Mike's POV:
We drove back to Freddy Fuckbear's and asked for Jeremy. The boss, my boss, said that the kid had just gone.
After an hour of driving around this new neighborhood, we went back home. It was useless.
"You plan on doing anything else today?" We hear a voice ask once we're in the house.
"N-no," a stutter comes. Jeremy!
We all walk, almost run, into the kitchen. We all trip over each other so we end up falling.
"Where were you guys?" Vincent asked as we looked up.
"Out looking for Jeremy!" I said angrily as I stood up.
"I w-was here the w-whole t-time," Jeremy said.

Jeremy's POV:
"Then why the fuck didn't you call me then you worthless piece of shit!" Mike yelled in frustration. I looked down and shut my eyes tightly. I felt tears prickle down my cheeks. Everyone was about to come calm me down until I stood up.

It all started with a party(Jeremike)Where stories live. Discover now