Chapter 9

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((Let's say that the pizzeria changed into the one from the second game. Good? Good. Don't play the song yet until I say so. Warning: extremely long chapter))

Jeremy's POV:
I sat in the chair when the bell finally run for the job to start. Chris stayed with us because he came to work an hour earlier to clean beforehand.
"Checking the fucking hallways Jeremy!" Mike says waking me up as I grab the flashlight and check the hallways. No one. I sighed in relief.
"None of them are moving," Mike said.
"Just wait Mike," Chris said smiling.
It's been about ten minutes since I've checked the hallways and I was too tired to do it. I didn't get enough sleep before coming.
"Jeremy!" Mike yelled waking me up.
"H-huh?!" I asked falling to the ground. Chris and Mike laughed as I started to blush.
"You just have to survive the night Jeremy," Mike said. I frowned. I stood up. Mistake.
As soon as I stood up we heard a screech as foxy jumped into the room and tackled me.
"Get him off! Get him off!" I yelled. I didn't want to die. Tears started to prickle down my cheeks as foxy pushed me against the wall and started choking me. "M-Mike!"
"GET OFF HIM YOU FUCKING MACHINE!" I saw Mike and Chris trying to pry foxy off of me. I was cut short of air and passed out.
((Play the song now))
Mike's POV:
We finally got foxy off and he ran back to his cove.
"Jeremy!" I said as I kneeled before him. "Jeremy..." I started to cry when I didn't feel a pulse.
"Mike.." Chris put his hand on my shoulder. "It'll be ok."
"No it won't! I lost him Chris!" I yelled. I picked up Jeremy's fragile body and sat against the wall. His lifeless body sitting on my lap as I cried.
"Mike," Chris said sitting beside me.
"Fuck that fox and this whole place!" I yelled. I looked down at Jeremy. "Why?!" I shut my eyes continuing to cry.
I felt something move in my arms. I opened my eyes and looked at Jeremy.
"M-Mike.." he said weakly. He opened his eyes for two seconds then closed them.
"NO! Jeremy stay with me!" I cried out. "Please!"
The 6 'o clock bell rang.
I quickly stood up with Jeremy still in my arms and ran to my car. Chris got in the car as well.
"Mike..Chris.." Jeremy said. "Mike..I love you.."
"No Jeremy! Don't say that! You'll be fine!" I said still crying as I drove to the hospital.
"Mike...understand...please.." he trailed off.
"Mike calm down," Chris said.
"No Chris! I'm not going to lose my loved one again," I said.
When we got to the hospital, I didn't wait for Chris. I got Jeremy and quickly went in. Luckily there were only about five people.
"Please get me a doctor, please I don't want to lose him!"

Jeremy's POV:
I felt myself get put on a bed. I open my eyes slightly and see people. I hear one of those heart machines that are in hospitals. Wait, heart machine? Am I in the hospital.
"He's waking up," a nurse called.
"Go tell the man he could see his friend, I'll run one quick test," a doctor said.
After ten minutes, Mike was in the room and the doctor left.
"Chris went home," Mike said first.
"M-Mike.." I say.
"I m-missed y-you,"he says sounding like he's about to cry.
I open my eyes fully and look at Mike. The first thing I feel when I open my eyes are Mike's lips on mine. He pulled away after a moment.
"I don't want to lose you," he said sitting on the edge of my bed.
"I don't want to lose you either Mike, but we both know I might-" I was cut off.
"No Jeremy. You will make!" He starts to cry.
"Mike, fairy tales aren't real, please, you will have a happy ending, maybe not with me but you will have one," I said. I start to close my eyes. "Good...bye...Mike.." I trail off.

Mikes POV:
"No! Jeremy!" I said watching his eyes close. "Doctor! Nurse! Please!" I yell as I watch them rush in. I squeeze Jeremy's hand tying to stay calm.
"Get him out of here," the doctor said.
"No! Please!" I yell as I feel two nurses pull me out of the room. I got out in the waiting room.
*an hour later*
A doctor came out and walked over to me. I looked up.
"We're sorry Mr. Schmidt, but your friend, Mr. Fitzgerald is in a coma," the doctor said.
"No," I said. The doctor put a hand on my shoulder.
"We'll make sure he wakes up but you'll have to go now," the doctor says. I nod. The doctor left the room an I stood up. I walked out of the hospital and got in my car.


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