Chapter 12

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Mike's POV:
*2 years later after the wedding* ((Jeremy: 23, Mike: 25, Annie: 14, Toby: 7))
Annie and Toby were at school and Jeremy had gone for a walk. I'm alone in the house. I was getting worried because Jeremy has to call me an hour ago.
I got in the car and started driving around the neighborhood looking for Jeremy. I finally heard his voice.
"P-please l-leave m-me a-alone!" He whimpered. I remembered that whimper from somewhere. I swear me and Jeremy met as teenagers. I stepped out of the car to see two guys kicking and beating up Jeremy.
"Not until we feel like stopping," one of the guys laughed.
"P-please," he whined, his voice cracked meaning he was about to cry.
"Aww, poor 23 year old about to cry!" The guys laughed.
"Hey!" I yelled. "Leave him alone!"
The men turned to me. They seem around my age. Older than Jeremy.
"Who's gonna stop us?" One guy said as he kicked Jeremy hard which made him yelp. without thinking, I went up to the guy and punched him in the face hard.
"I. Said. Leave. Him. Alone," I repeated. The other guy nodded and helped his friend up before they ran away. "Jeremy," I said kneeling beside him. "You ok?"
'Stupid question'
I just earned a cry. I hugged him tightly. "You're never leaving the house alone," I whispered. He slightly nodded.
"W-why a-am I s-still a w-wimp?" He cried. "A s-stupid t-twenty t-three y-year o-old w-who c-crys? W-who l-let's h-himself g-get b-beaten u-up?"
"Jeremy!" I said stunned. "You're not a wimp, or stupid, most adults cry and no one will ever bet you up while I'm still alive."
"M-Mike...." his voice trailed off. ""
"Jeremy don't you dare fake this," I said, he didn't have much blood but he had bruises.
"I'm n-not faking b-but I-I'm n-not d-dying," he ginned. I glared at him.
"I hate you," I said standing up.
"I love you too," he said.

Jeremy's POV: ((picking up the kids from school))
"Hey Toby," I said as I grabbed his hand. Most of his friends don't mine that I'm a gay father. But his teachers do. Toby hugged me just as one of his teachers came up to him.
"Hello Mr. Fitzgerald," she smiled.
"Hello," I said.
"Can we talk about this father thing," she asked politely. But I wasn't going to be polite about my sexuality.
"No thank you, I don't care about what you have to say, I'm perfectly fine being gay, thank you," I said as I started walking to the car with Toby. I heard he gasp and I just smiled.
"I heard your conversation with the teacher Jeremy," Mike smirked at me. I blushed. "I like that, I want more of that."
"T-thanks, I-I'll t-try," I shyly smiled. We parked at Annie's school. We saw her outside with some friends. Both Mike and I got out of the car and waited for her. Mike put his arm around my waist when Annie started yelling.
"I don't care if my dads are gay!" She said.

It all started with a party(Jeremike)Where stories live. Discover now