"Tell me everything?" I repeated.And that's how I learned the story of how my idol, the love of my life, the most beautiful man in the-...sorry. All Might was growing weaker and he had passed down the pretty much invincible power 'One For All' to Izuku, my quirkless friend, because he was clearly meant to be a hero.
"So, that must have been the fight with Toxic Chainsaw, right?" I asked.
"So much for trying to get rid of any information about that fight, but yes." All Might said and lifted up a part of his shirt to reveal an ugly wound. "I got this in the fight, I lost my entire stomach and all the surgeries have warn me down."
It took all of my very being to hold in the massive nosebleed of seeing All Might's bare chest. Sure he was really skinny now but he was still All Might.
"Do ah..." I began and wiped a small bit of blood from my nose. "Do you want me to fix that for you?" I asked.
"Nah, I've gotten used to it. I might change my mind down the road if you get a medical license though." He smiled and patted my head which almost made me implode with happiness.
"True, I can make you a new stomach and such but there is that small problem of actually making it function. I wonder if I could create a machine that-"
"Uh, weren't you going to pretend you didn't have quirk?" Izuku spoke up.
"Oh yeah. Man, now that I'm basically a god things are weird. Like I could end world hunger but that may use up all of my sanity and leave me a psychotic unstoppable murderer." Man that's not a good thing to say out loud. "So I'll just be Ladybug unless I need to unify or give someone a Miraculous."
All Might as Chat Noir...
Hold in the fangirl. Hold in the fangirl.
Hold in the nosebleed of the tight leather cat suit.
"Hey, (Y/n). I guess this means we can go to the UA entrance exams together!" Izuku announced happily.
"Heck Yah!" I cheered. "Wait, when are the exams? I haven't been paying attention because of my not having a quirk until now."
"They're in a few weeks," He told me and I gasped in horror.
"In a few weeks?! I haven't trained, I'm gonna die! I can barely manage my yo-yo without failing miserably!" I panicked and clenched my hair in my hands.
"Wow, (Y/n). You're even more like Marinette then I thought." Tikki laughed and flew around my head.
"Thank you, now when will I come up with a weird but clever idea to solve all my problems?" I asked, still panicked. Wait a minute...
Solve all my problems
Solve All Might problems.
All Might.
"You!" I yelled and pointed a finger at the skinny pro. "You are now training me as well as Izuku!"
All Might's jaw dropped and he coughed up a lot of blood.
"Is that normal?" I asked Izuku who nodded.
"Fine," the pro replied. "But no using the magic suit."
"I'm gonna die," I sweat dropped.
So from there on out my days of pain began. Early mornings, of running and pushing; late nights of lifting and studying. My body was screaming at me to stop and take a break but even so I trained at night as Ladybug without anyone's knowledge. After long days of pushing my everything to its limits, it was nice to just sit on a skyscraper under the stars. As the day grew closer, when I enjoyed the freedom the night brought me, I contemplated if I wanted time to stand still or speed up. But before I knew it, it was the night before the entrance exam and I wished I had preyed harder for time to stand still.

My Miraculous Academia
FanfictionI always thought of my quirk as a blessing. It was strong. So strong, that it change the course of the universe, the galaxy, everything! At first glance, my quirk seemed descent, not hero material, but definitely something that people would be jealo...