I was making my way to school with my friends when we noticed the giant crowd of reporters blocking the entrance 'interviewing' mor like yelling at students who were trying to get in.'Hey, you! Can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with All Might?" One yelled and pointed at Izuku, making him panic.
"U‐Um, sorry, I have to go to the, uh, the nurse's office! Yeah, right away!" He yelled and ran away, the reporters turned to Uraraka.
"Are you one of All Might's students? Tell us, what's the Symbol of Peace like in person?"
"Um... What's he like?" She repeated and thought about it. "Well... Uh, He's super muscle‐y. Yeah!"
Darn right he is. Am I drooling? I think I'm drooling.
"How is he faring as a teacher; what are you learning?" One yelled at Iida.
"His leadership and wisdom remind me on a daily basis that I attend the world's most prestigious educational institution. Of course, he's the personification of honour and integrity that one would expect, but he's also not afraid to show his students a more humorous side." Iida yelled. "It's truly a unique
opportunity to be under the direct tutelage of the pro we all admire."Suddenly, I saw my opening of how I could avoid questioning and saying something stupid on tv.
"Bakugo!" I yelled and tried to hide behind him.
"The hell are you doing, squirt?" He yelled back at me.
"Excuse me, kid! Are you in All Might's class?" A reporter asked him then said something very stupid. "Oh, hold on. Aren't you that Sludge Villain kid?"
"Walk away." Bakugo growled, scaring the shot out of the reporter and letting us pass into the grounds safely.
"Thanks a lot." I sighed and gave him some space.
"Whatever, why are you hiding from them?" He asked. I was delighted and incredibly surprised when he made the effort to continue our conversation.
"Ah, you know me. I have a tendency to say stupid things." I said and sheepishly rubbed my neck. "I'd rather not take my chances with national television."
"You can't avoid them forever," Bakugo scoffed.
"True, but I can try." I replied, completely serious about my answer.
The news that All Might had been hired as a faculty member at UA took the entire nation by surprise. Naturally, the media swarmed the school in search of a story.
Everyone wanted to get their hands on All Might."Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys." Aizawa told us after the bell for class rung. "I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's
results. Bakugo. You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?""Yeah, whatever." The blond muttered and looked away.
"(Y/n)," Aizawa continued, surprising me as I didn't expect to hear my name. "You may have done well yesterday, but I have doubts about your choice of dropping a chandelier in a pool with Kaminari in it. You're lucky he can't be electrocuted, otherwise you'd have killed him."
"Sorry Sensei," I said awkwardly and bowed my head.
I mean, I expected him to be fine. Dude has electricity powers, why would it effect him?
"And Midoriya. I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control
over your Quirk. That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your Quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it." Aizawa said, almost complimenting Izuku; making him gasp. "So show a little urgency, huh?"

My Miraculous Academia
FanfictionI always thought of my quirk as a blessing. It was strong. So strong, that it change the course of the universe, the galaxy, everything! At first glance, my quirk seemed descent, not hero material, but definitely something that people would be jealo...