8: Attack on the USJ

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More purple smoke appeared in the centre and it opened two yellow eyes and for some reason had a metal neck brace.

"The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraser Head." It said. "Perplexing. According to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All Might should be here as well."

"So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus." Todoroki growled.

"Where is he?" Some dude covered in hands asked. "I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who're eager to meet him. They want All Might.
The great Symbol of Peace. I can't believe he's not here. Maybe if I kill a few kids, he'll come out to play."

That day, we learned what the pro heroes are really up against. The darkness they face to keep us safe. We looked at these villains, and pure evil stared back.

"What? Real villains? No way." Kirishima gasped. "How could so many of 'em get into a UA facility this secure?"

"Yeah, Thirteen. Why aren't the alarms going off?" Someone asked.

"Good question. I'm not sure. Is the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a Quirk that's masking their presence here. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. They're fools for trespassing here, but they've thought this out. Whatever their plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind. But what is it?"

"Thirteen, get them outta here. And alert the main campus." Aizawa ordered.

"Actually, if they've got the ability to block our sensors, then they might be jamming our regular communications, too." Thirteen told him.

"Kaminari, try using your Quirk to contact the school." Aizawa said and put his goggles on.

"Yes, sir."

"What're you gonna do? You can't fight them on your own!" Izuku gasped. "There's too many of 'em. Even if you can nullify their Quirks, your fighting style's not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one‐on‐one fights. That's not gonna help with a group."

"You can't be a pro if you only have one trick." Aizawa smirked and I checked to see if my nose was bleeding. I'll leave it to you, Thirteen." Then he fan off and started seriously kicking villain butt. Erasing their quirks and flipping and kicking and punching and then somehow getting some villains to accidentally attack their own. Man this dude was cool. Then a vision of him in his yellow sleeping bad appeared in my mind and I was on the fence again.

"There is no escape for you." Suddenly, smoke dude was in front of us. "It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves in to this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath?
I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play."

I am ready to Thanos snap his ass out of existence! I can do that, right? I'll try later.

Suddenly there was more gasping and yelling as Bakugo and Kirishima attacked smoke-dude head on.

"Did ya think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" Bakugo yelled and tried to explode him. However, they just passed right through him.

"You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful, children. Otherwise, someone might get hurt."

"You two, get out of the way, right now!" Thirteen yelled.

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