We were all in class, sitting in our seats while rambling about the amazing fight we had been a part of. I didn't contribute to the conversation, too busy worrying about All Might and how only a handful of people were aware of how much he was struggling."Hey, did you watch the news last night?" A disembodied voice said so I assumed it was Hagakure.
"Yeah." Ojiro nodded.
"Did you see how everyone in class was on-screen for a second? I didn't stand out at all..." She whined and I had to cover my mouth to stop laughing.
"That's true." Shouji agreed, making me shove my fist in my mouth in order to stay quiet
"Erk! It's hard to stand out looking like that, huh?" Ojiro tried to save it but failed miserably.
"But man, all the channels made a big deal out of it." Kaminari pointed out.
"I was surprised." Kirishima nodded.
"Can you blame them?" Jirou shrugged. "The hero course that keeps pumping out pro heroes was attacked."
"Who knows what would've happened if the teachers hadn't come when they did." Sero added and shivered.
"Stop that, Sero!" Mineta yelled, already reliving the fear. "Just thinking about it's making me wet myself-"
"Shut up!" Bakugo yelled at him
"Be quiet, scum!"
"But man, All Might was great." Sero sighed dreamily. "He pushed back those crazy strong villains."
"Yes, his strength is worth wondering at." Tokoyami agreed.
Suddenly Iida ran into the room and prepped myself to be deafened once again.
"Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! "Stop talking and take your seats!"
"We're already in our seats." Kirishima pointed out.
"You're the only one who's not." Sero told him,
Iida then ran to his seat. "Urgh... Shoot!"
"Don't worry about it." Uraraka failed at reassuring him.
"Tsu, who's... woah-" Mina leaned too far back in her chair but Tsu caught her.
"-gonna teach homeroom today?" She finished.
I frowned and looked to the front of the room, I forgot that we'd be having a sub. Aizawa didn't seem like the kind of guy to miss class even if he was dead but there was no way Principal Nezu would let him teach in his condition.
"Well, Mr. Aizawa is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries." Tsu said as the door opened and I sweat dropped.
Aizawa stood in the doorway with his body completely wrapped in bandages. Well, I'm assuming it was Aizawa; could have also been someone with a mummy quirk.
"Morning." He greeted nonchalantly.
"Mr. Aizawa, you're back too soon!" Everyone yelled.
"You're too much of a pro!" Kaminari gushed.
"I don't think pro is the right word." I muttered. "Probably doesn't believe anyone else is a suitable teacher."
"So you're alright, Mr. Aizawa?" Iida asked.
"Can you really call that 'all right'?" Uraraka pointed out and I nodded.
"My well-being doesn't matter." Aizawa said matter of factly. "More importantly, the fight is not yet over."

My Miraculous Academia
FanfictionI always thought of my quirk as a blessing. It was strong. So strong, that it change the course of the universe, the galaxy, everything! At first glance, my quirk seemed descent, not hero material, but definitely something that people would be jealo...