Never Be Alone

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Never Be Alone-Shawn Mendes (loml)

Live with him? Is he serious? Could I even do that? It seems crazy. I don't know what to think. My thoughts were interrupted, "listen Kate if you don't want to its fine but my place is pretty big and empty ever since Luke moved out. So the extra room is all yours and you don't have to pay for the rent" Ashton is being so sweet. I ignore the fact that the way he calls me Kate leaves a strange feeling in my stomach. "Ashton that's so sweet but I don't want to bother you or anything. I'm way too much of a struggle an-" I was cut off. "Stop. You aren't a burden. I can help you work through the struggles of you let me. I'm just trying to be a good friend" he explains. I look at him and nod. Guess I'm moving.

"So" I breathe out, "where even is you place?" I ask. "I live down Port Avenue in Haris Lakes. You heard of it?" I nod silently. "Kate it's okay to talk. I won't hurt you or anything" did he just giggle? I can't say I wasn't cute. We finish our drinks and head out. I grab my bag and follow Ashton. "So where to?" I ask. "Well. Michael was being a d-bag and kicked me out of his car so I guess we're just going to walk a while" I think I like Michael. He sounds great. "Michael is the one with the colored hair right?" I'm pretty sure he is. "His hair is always colored unless he's too lazy to do it and we always refuse to help him with it so it's white at most times" I nod.

We started walking to no particular place when he asked me a random question. "How do you find a job?" I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing?" He said chuckling a bit himself. "What do you mean by how do you find a job? Don't you have a job?" I ask calming down a bit. "Well yeah I have one I just don't like it." He says. This reminded me that I do not own a car and I usually walk to work. I'm now living with Ashton Well I'm fucked.

"Ah hell!" I yell almost too loudly. He looks at me bewildered.


"Well I usually walk to work because it's close and I don't own a car but now I'm moving in with you and I can't do that anymore and I'm going to lose my job a-"


I shut up.

"I can give you a ride if you need it. Honestly I thought about the book store as a job-if that's okay with you- but I'm sure we can work something out okay?"

I nod.

When I look up his hands are on my shoulders from calming me down and were suddenly really close. Too close for comfort. But something kicks inside of me. My arms go around his torso and my head rests against his chest. I practically melt into the hug as our bodies are molded perfectly together. His chin on my head and his arms around my slightly bigger-than-normal waist as I breathe in his scent. We stay like that for a while actually. It's so comforting until we finally break apart and suddenly I'm cold. We walk in silence for a while me still being cold then his hand slips into mine and the warmth is transferred back. Our fingers weren't intertwined. It was a friendly gesture.

We ended up walking all the way to his apartment. Don't ask me how that happened. Ashton took his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He opened the door and we walked in. When you first walk in there's the door way, then when we walked forward there was the kitchen with black stools underneath the bar, the walls were made with bricks and the floor was carpeted. Once we walked past the kitchen we ended up in the living room where there were two cream colored couches with a rectangular black coffee table in the middle. Along the wall of it was a flat screen tv and two bookshelves on both sides of it. Right behind one of the couches was a huge window with unsymmetrical window panes and normal white blinds. This place was gorgeous and I've not even seen half of it.

As I looked around I turned around and looked at Ashton. "So do you like it here?" He asked. "Holy shit Ash" I immediately feel heat rush to my cheeks in realization that I just called him Ash. He looks at me with an amusing smile, "Ash?" he thought about it, "I like it." I just nod looking down. "So," he claps his hands "Let me show you your room" and I follow him into a hallway and into the second door on the right. It was very empty because no one occupied it currently. It was a big room with white walls and wooden flooring. The bed was currently just a mattress but it would have to do for now. And... my own bathroom?! "Thank you so much" I say dropping my bag on the floor. "it's no problem I swear. Now come on let me show you my room just in case."

He led me to the room right across the hall. His room had a small staircase to hold his clothes, a single brick wall, a grey and white bed spread, a low hanging lamp, and wooden floors. He had tons of Polaroids above his bed of him and I'm assuming his siblings and some of him and his mother, him and his friends, the ones that stuck out were the ones of him and a girl. She was gorgeous to say the least. I wonder who she was. His room was obviously the bigger one. Overall this place was amazing. I found myself tearing up. "Is everything okay?" Ashton asked concerned. "It is now" I say simply. And now he's hugging me. "Don't worry Kate. You're safe now." he says against my hair and kisses my head and I felt safe for a little while.


Wow I'm inactive. Don't hate me I love you guys so much! (All two of you lol)
I hope everything is amazing go you guys. Stay strong it gets better I promise <3

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