Hey corpses

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(AN: hi! omg, it's uh, been a damn while huh. I've been gone. high school, covid, all hella messy shit. I'm gonna try to get back into writing again so sorry if this is rusty or whatever. Anyway Idk enjoy this chapter^^)

summary: Ryan and Min catch up with an old friend after their departure off the train and venture into the rockstar life

It had been a few months since Ryan and Ming-Gi had gotten off the train and pursued Chicken Choice Judy with quite a bit of success. They weren't topping charts but their audience was dedicated.

On this particular evening the two had landed a gig at The Strange Moose Hideout (an: thank you bar names generator). Which was directly across the street from Dumpteys Diner, where Min-gi had formerly held a manager position at before dropping out for the band. He still had plans to attend university once fall hit but his parents had been pretty pissed when they found out he left his job.

They entered the Bar, immediately being greeted by the  ry.   manager and heading backstage to set up. Ryan rambled to Min-gi with excitement. "Did you see the crowd out there? We've never had that many people before!" Min-gi nodded, letting out a nervous laugh "uh, yeah, pretty cool."

Ryan came up next to him, laying a hand on his shoulder "you've got this, everyones going to love us, and if they don't, they'll be too drunk to remember anything. The stakes are non-existent." He reassured the other lightly. Min-gi had gotten better with his stage fright since the train, but he usually needed some sort of pep-talk before every show. Ryan didn't mind, it was a small price to pay to play with his favorite person in the world.

They were called on, and Min-gi let out a breath "let's do this". The pair went on stage and everything went well. The only blip of the night being when Ryan's voice cracked during Mega Maze, but nobody noticed. At the end of their set they went back behind stage. Ryan was drenched in sweat, and Min-gi was getting off his adrenaline high.

"I think that went well." Ryan said happily as he put his guitar back in its case. Min-gi nodded in agreement.

"It was alright, I've seen better though." A female voice popped up from behind them. The pair turned around to find a girl standing there. She had silver hair, a grey hoodie, accompanied by grey pants. She was chewing gum and there was something about her voice and overall demeanor that both Ryan and Min-gi couldn't help but feel like they knew. She smiled at them "Hey corpses."

"Kez?!?" Min-gi asked, bemused. She nodded "yup!". Ryan tilted his head "but how are you here? And why don't you look like well, you?". She blew a bubble, waiting for it to pop before responding. "Well, you guys are pretty popular among some of the passagers I've been aiding, I wanted to see you in person. I got the ok from One-One after drawing number on myself, but I couldn't go back like a bell, so they gave me a disguise. I'm heading back next week. Human life is insane! Have you guys tried gum before? It's so good! But everyone is really mean?."

Min-gi and Ryan looked at each other, as if to confirm that this was really happening. "Wow. Um. That's insane Kez! It's great to see you again. We're just about to head out, wanna come with us?" He asked her. She shook her head "nah, I've got a week here, and I've already spent an hour and a half on you guys. I've got so much more to do! Cya around corpses!" She said, waving at them before dipping around the corner and back out of view.

Ryan smiled and laughed lightly "I guess Kez hasn't changed."

An: sorry the ending was kind of rough but I didn't know how to end it! Anyway, it's been like two years butttt uh, yeah! Idk comment or something if you want me to keep writing :) )

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