Simon x Reader (Non-gender Specific)

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AN: Hey! its been 10 months :). I've been busy! started this one-shots thing as an eighth grader and now I just finished my Junior year of high school! not sure my writing's improved much though :P. Anyway! this was requested by Okay1nope2 (it wont let me @ them idk)  like 9 months ago. I'm gonna say it takes place around book 2 a little after Jesse and MT leave the train but before all the events of book 3. I don't like Simon but uh, I tried >:D

"Phew!" Y/N said, having just exited another train door. You had just gotten out of a game of snakes and ladders, with real snakes. Brushing off some dirt you approached the next door, hoping for something better. You had been here for about 6 months, with your number only going up. It had started as an accident, kicking a toad because truly, you just hadn't seen him. Trampling a small forest creature's home because yet again, you weren't even aware it was there. But as the months grew on with no sign of escape, you grew angry. It was frustrating. Everyone you'd met who wasn't a null had gotten their exit by now. So by this point, you'd just chosen to keep to yourself, to avoid the risk of getting close just to lose it.

Upon opening the door you're greeted with the sight of a Mall. Or what used to be a mall at least. Feral-looking children run around, causing chaos. You feel something bump into your side, hard. Looking down to see a child staring up at you. "Are you new?" she asks you.

"In relation to this car, yeah. In relation to the train, no? Maybe? depends on what you consider new." You respond, nonchalantly but also confused. "What's with the lipstick on the face, bad makeup day?" You follow up with.

She shakes her head in annoyance, "No silly! It means I'm a part of the Apex!" she informs you, getting up before brushing herself off, beaming with confidence. "Normally Grace gives them out but she's out on a patrol with some others. I think Simon's here though! He could give you one!" She beams excitedly, tugging on your hand and leading you toward whoever this "Simon" was.

"I- look kid I really just want to get out of this car to the next-" you try but to no avail. She stops in front of a room, knocking lightly, and pauses. When she doesn't receive any sort of response she tries again, harder.

"What?" you hear an annoyed grumble from the room, the guy in there sounding to be about your own age. 

"Simon! there's a new recruit here!" the girl exclaims, glancing back at you and then at the door.

With an annoyed-sounding sigh, you hear the creaking of a chair before footsteps begin, heading towards the door, he opens it, "Look, can't it just wait till Grace gets ba-" He pauses, looking at you. He looks surprised. But you could say you were surprised too. His short blond hair was thrown up into what one could barely call a ponytail, and a stubble on his chin that only someone barely entering puberty would be envious of. But what really caught your attention was the number on his arm. His hoodie sleeves were rolled up and you couldn't even see when the numbers ended. He had been here a while, and probably wouldn't be leaving soon.

You catch him assessing you briefly before shrugging "I guess I could induct you into the Apex." he says finally, looking at you with a soft smile and maybe even a smirk, you couldn't tell. "But first-" he says, before suddenly grabbing your arm, with a firm grip, but not harsh, it made your cheeks flush "you have to tell me how your number got so high. I mean it's probably the highest one I've seen short of Grace or Mine's" he says.

You shrug, trying to play it cool but honestly, this guy made you feel kinda flustered. "Uh, I dunno I guess I just, kicked a lot of things?" Crap. That sounded dumb. "Or well no I just-" you tried.

He laughed a little. "You're so worked up. You don't have to tell me right now." He said lightly. "What I do need to know though, is the name of our new member of the Apex." He said.

"Oh! Y/N." you responded, realizing you hadn't introduced yourself up until that point.

"Well Y/N" he said, grabbing a lipstick from out of his pocket before lighting running it across the bridge of your nose in a zig-zaggy fashion "Welcome to the Apex."

AN: (689 words!) sgdsgsg I tried! I can't romance this man. He's too crime-ridden. I hope ya'll liked it nontheless! Suggestions are open! I might be trying to get a few more out from old old requests as well :) )

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