welcome to camp nightwing

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The early alarm set on Y/n's alarm clock blared in her ear. Time to wake up. First day of camp! With nothing else to look forward too, she was super excited. Any other morning she would've groaned and slammed her hand down to stop the alarm, but not today! Today was excitement and all things fun.

She, gently, turned the alarm off. She sat up and stretched, throwing the covers over her so she could stand up and get ready.

Sunnyvale was, well, sunny. As always. The reminder of the wonderful, perfect life she lived, adamant in her home, the one her parents worked so hard for. Her father passed away, but her mother believed they should live in the house he worked so hard in his life for.

And her brothers were in full agreement with her mother, but when weren't they sucking up. That was their thing. They weren't perfect by any means, but their name gave them the image they were.

As all things go, Y/n wasn't anything like her brothers. Nick was the better of the both, but he was also the oldest. And while she didn't agree with some of the things he did, he was still her brother she would always care about him.

Matthew on the other hand was a different story. She wasn't a big fan of him. Nick wanted to follow in their father's footsteps and become the Sheriff. Matthew was just a head full of air.

Getting ready was easy. Being the only girl had its perks. She was able to have her own bathroom, her own room. While, the disgusting brothers-- that's what she called them--shared a bathroom, which without a doubt, was always dirty.

By ten they were off, ready to get on the bus and head to camp. And by noon Y/n was walking with Nick to help out an orange-haired girl that was hanging from a tree by the wrists.

"If we kick her out, they'll ask about the burn mark," Nick said. Matthew groaned and eventually ended up agreeing with him, as always. Classic Matthew.

"Why are they always picking on that girl?" Y/n asked from beside her brother. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Shadyside trash."

"Not all of them," Y/n muttered. She hated the way anyone in her family would talk about Shadyside. She had plenty of friends from there. Among the good variety, but still. She didn't believe they were all bad.

After all, there were some people on Sunnyvale that belonged on the other side. It really goes both ways.

"What was that?" Nick asked, as they turned to the right, joining back with most of the people there. He watched with bright eyes as people passed out shirts for the colour war.

"I said, not all of them," she replied. She stared off into the outhouse noticing a girl kissing her boyfriend. He grabbed her ass and she pushed his hand away. She playfully pushed him away, laughing. She cringed.

"Well, most people don't like Ziggy Berman."

"Most people?" She asked amused. She playfully elbowed him. "You're not most people."

"Shut it," he mumbled. "Go help Cindy and Tommy clean the outhouse, it looks like they need it." Ah! Cindy, that's her name. "Go on. It won't clean itself."

She walked over, stuffing her hands into her jean shorts pockets. "Nick said you guys might need some help," she said, grabbing the attention of the girl. She just nodded, then her face turned into a scowl.

"Where the hell are they!" She said, pushing open the doors to one of the toilets. Lost and confused, when Cindy marched her way towards the area where the counselors hang out, she followed behind her.

She opened the door to the cabin and instantly regretted her decision. There was Alice and her boyfriend going at it on one of the tables.

"Oh--" Cindy turned back, burying herself into Y/n. Who just covered her own eyes. "What are you guys doing?"

"Three guesses," she girl with short hair laughed. She lit a cigarette, which caused Cindy to scoff. And ask again, only for Alice to repeat the same thing. The two girls started getting into an argument which caused to turn and leave.

Later, she found Tommy and asked if he needed help with anything. He of course told her he could help him and Cindy clean tables in another one of the cabins. She really didn't want to go find her brother or her friends, so she agreed.

She was wiping underneath a table when she heard Cindy call out for Tommy. She ignored it. And then she heard her scream so she looked up and saw the nurse with a knife. She was going for Tommy.

Y/n stepped passed Cindy who was too busy staring in shock at what was happening. She went to pull her off, but she ended up just slicing her arm. She winced and fell back, hitting her head off of a table.

She groaned and clutched her hand hoping to stop the blood for going everywhere, her other hand grabbed at her head.

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