what are the x's for

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Since Ziggy Berman was so close with nurse Lane she was able to help Y/n get her arm wrapped up. Nothing special just some gaze. Her shirt was totally ruined and she was really pissed about that.

Cindy was standing right beside her, watching her sister carefully. Both girls didn't say a word to one another. Siblings fight, Y/n knew that.

"I'm sorry about your arm," Cindy said. Y/n just nodded and swung her legs as they dangled off the table she was sitting on. Her one hand was holding an ice pack to her head. She groaned.

"It's alright. It doesn't hurt that bad." Cindy shook her head and crossed her arms.

"Ziggy, I can get the rest of her arm," Cindy said, pushing her sister out of the way. Who was about to protest but she sent her a look, which caused her to scoff and walk off.

"You don't have to do that," Y/n whispered. Cindy shook her head. It seemed like a habit. "You have a stain on your shirt."

"Oh my, god!" She laughed. She started to trying and hide it, but failed. Y/n laughed at her for a second.

"You never heard of the trick to get that out?" Y/n gasped. "Oh my."

"What trick?" She asked with a smirk.

"Nurse Lane always keeps this solution in her cabin, it's like, a stain remover." Cindy just watched as Y/n hopped off the table and lead her to the older woman's cabin. Unfortunately, they managed to bump into Nick, who insisted he needed to "steal" his sister for a second.

Y/n explained where to find it.

Cindy wasn't looking where she was going and slammed into Nick. Who just wouldn't stop apologizing. She reassured him it was okay. He smiled at her.

"Actually, I was going to look for you," Cindy started. "Tommy and I need help looking for something, I dropped something important earlier when Ziggy was in the infirmary, Y/n was with me and I need help finding it. Do you know where she's at?" Nick nodded and pointed to Y/n, who was sitting at a fire.

She was wiping away the tears to a girl who was crying. Cindy didn't know what she felt, but watching her be so gently with someone, was something she longed for. Her mother had been rather bitter lately and she wished someone would take care of her like that.

She shook her head and tapped her shoulder. Y/n turned her head to face and gave her a light smile. She hugged the little girl before standing up and dusting herself off. "I'll be back to check on you," she said. "I promise." She held out her pinky and the little girl sniffled and smiled.

Cindy dragged her away and found Tommy talking to a bunch of kids in blue shirts. "Oh man," he groaned, his hand moved towards his head. "My head is throbbing. She must have got me pretty good. Mary's stronger than she looks."

"Do you need to lie down?" Cindy asked, concerned. Y/n wanted to gag.

"No, no. I'm alright." He stared off to the side and then back down at her.

"Ok. Good, because I need your help." She went to turn away, but turned back, "and a key to the infirmary."

The three of them made their way towards the infirmary. The sun was almost down now and the three of them found it easy to get away without questions asked.

They slipped inside after Cindy unlocked the door. "So, what exactly are we looking for?" Tommy asked.

Cindy held the keys out to Y/n who was closer to her. "Answers. Y/n come with me, Tommy you take that room. Anything that looks like it might help."

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