we're down here

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"Is that toilet paper?"

"It's the outhouse it's got to be." The three of them walked towards a hole. "Look."

They heard grunting and things being slammed. They waited patiently. "Help! Help! We're down here! Help!" Cindy shouted.

"Down here!"

"Please help us!"

Ziggy's head appeared in the hole. "Cindy?"

"Ziggy? Oh thank god."

"What are you doing down there?"

"It's..It's kind of a long story. Are you OK?"

"Is my brother okay?" Y/n called. Ziggy nodded.

"Yeah, hold on a second." A bucket came down, Cindy grabbed it.

"You first." She handed it to Alice. She climbed onto her, Cindy stepped back and bumped into Y/n who just grabbed her by the shoulders. They began to lift her up, and then suddenly she fell. Somebody's body fell on top of her. Cindy began shouting for Ziggy. Y/n helped take the body off of Alice.

They slumped down against a rock. Cindy weakly plopped down next to Y/n, grabbing her arm and bringing it around her.

"We have to find another way out."

"What if there's not," Cindy said, defeated.

"No, no, there's gotta be. We're at the outhouse. We're at camp. Come on, get the diary. We're too close." Y/n removed her arm from around Cindy and grabbed for the book. Alice moved over too. "Okay. These tunnels. The witch, she made them, right?"


"And, "She emerged by the Meeting house, one hand severed lost forever." The meeting house, which is now.."

"The Mess Hall," Cindy finished.

"So, there's got to be another way out," Y/n added.

"Come on," Cindy said.

"I'm just going to slow you guys down," Alice mumbled.


"No, it's fine. I'll catch up. You gotta save your sister, and you have to save your brothers." They nodded and ran off.

"Y/n," Cindy whispered. Y/n nodded. "I don't want to die."

"You aren't going to," she said, walking ahead of her.

"But, you heard what Alice said," Cindy muttered.

"So, what?"

"I'm Shadyside."


"We're cursed." Y/n stopped walking and turned to face her now.

"You aren't dying," Y/n huffed, grabbing her hand and leading her through. "I won't let you. I'm Sunnyvale. So, if you're cursed, then I'm blessed. I'm protecting you." Cindy gave a weak smile.

"There!" She pointed, there was an area to crawl through. Cindy went first, crawling up the tiny tunnel towards what looked like a vent. She gripped it hard and began pushing. "Hello! Hello! Can anyone hear me!"

They heard music click on really loud. Cindy began pushing harder crying out for someone. Cindy sat on her back and began kicking the vent. Grunting and kicking with all her force, she heard her sister scream and she went harder. "Ziggy! Ziggy!"

It felt like forever before the screws came loose. But they did. Y/n and Cindy both crawled through looking around for Ziggy. Cindy saw Tommy hovering over her sister about to bring the ax down. She stabbed it. He turned around and she did it again. Y/n came around the corner.

"Fuck... you!" She kept doing that until he fell. Ziggy looked up at her sister.

"You swore," she laughed.

"It's becoming a habit." She leaned down and hugged her sister. After they joked around they looked over to Y/n. "Come here." She knelt down beside them. "Ziggy this is Y/n Goode."

"I know. Her brother talks about her a lot," she smiled and hugged her. After a moment there was silence.

"I'm so sorry Ziggy. I'm... I'm sorry I wasn't here, not just tonight, but every day."

"No, you were. You just--"

"No, no. I haven't been here. I know that now. I know that you just needed me here to listen. I thought if I just put my head down and followed the rules, everything would be fine. That I'd get out of Shadyside, but... now I know you were right. Everything is cursed."

"I could've been nicer. I could've been less of a monster," the red head muttered.

"Yeah, well, you were my monster. And at the end of the day, Mom, Dad... Shadyside, Sunnyvale, I.." she cupped her face. "I won't let anything pull us apart again. You hear me?"

"Loud and clear, ma'am." The moment was ruined by banging in the distance. The three of them turned and faced where it was coming from. Y/n moved over towards it, shooing away Cindy's hand when she went to grab her wrist and pull her back.

"Where's the snitch," Alice laughed.

"What took you so long?" Cindy asked, walking towards the open hole. Y/n reached her hand down and pulled Alice up.

Alice look around. "You did."

"We did it." They stared at each other for a second and then hugged.

"Alright, careful, this things like a million years ago."

"I bought that a month ago," she said, standing beside Y/n. Ziggy stared between the two noticing something might've been going on. Their intertwined hands didn't go unnoticed either.

"No, I'm not talking about your stupid bag, genius. "Blood will fall." Satan's stone, Ok? It was right there. All this time, buried under the moss, and I found it. I fucking found it."

"Found what?" Cindy asked.

"Three guesses."

if the end of the world was near | C. Berman.Where stories live. Discover now