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They were walking now and Y/n had let go of Cindy's hand a long time ago. Something Cindy wanted to protest, but Y/n looked all too happy and she didn't wanna worry her.

Though her hand was warm and she loved when she held it, she just watched her from the right side as she smiled and walked through the, now dark woods.

The leaves and branches snapping under their feet. Cindy hugged herself feeling the elements of the night, and shivered. Y/n noticed and pulled her zip-up off and draped it over her shoulders. "I think they took those pills," Y/n whispered. An amused grin was teasing at her lips.

"What a bunch of idiots," Cindy scoffed. They could hear Alice and Arnie cackling. Y/n giggled lightly. "What?" Cindy asked amused.

"I dunno. They seem to have fun," Y/n said. "Sometimes that's all you need."

"Is fun?" Cindy asked. "Sunnyvalers know how to have fun?"

"Okay Ms. Polo shirt," Y/n joked. "Of course we do. Unless you're Matthew or Nick Goode. They only like fun when it involves someone else paying for what they cause."

"You're their sister right?" Cindy asked. She was consumed by their conversation, one she never wanted to end. Why was she feeling like this?

"Yup. Sadly." Cindy frowned. She didn't expect someone with a better life to be so upset, maybe the grass was always greener.

They came to a stop, Alice came out of a hole. "Watch your step."

"Is someone digging a grave?" Tommy asked, shining his flashlight at the hole.

"Graves," Alice corrected, flashing hers on the others. It took a moment and everyone in the group put two and two together.

"Mary." They all stared at Tommy and then back at the graves. Y/n had tuned out most of the conversation.

"Maybe she was looking for the hand--"

"To end the curse?" Alice asked. "The one that made her daughter lose her mind."

"Guys, come on." Cindy looked between her boyfriend and Alice. "This is silly. Come on, Y/n back me up."

"I don't know," Y/n started. She reached for the notebook and flipped through it. "What would convince someone to be so sure of something they went looking for answers?" She looked at Cindy. "Finding the hand wouldn't bring her daughter back," Y/n told her. "So, why do it?"

"To end the curse," Alice said.

"If there is a curse," Tommy said from beside them. "This could all be made up, she could be on drugs."

"Right, you figure this out, I have to piss," Arnie said, walking away.

"Wait, let me see that," Alice said. Y/n went to hand it to her, but Cindy snatched it away.

"You can have this, once you give me the drugs," Cindy said. "If Nurse Mary took them and went crazy, those drugs are very dangerous."

"Why are you so convinced she took drugs?" Y/n asked. "What did she say?"

Alice just laughed, "Oh my god! What happened to you?" Y/n gave them both a weird look. "You remember when we used to have fun? Before you became a snitch?" Alice was itches from her face and Y/n's hand balled up into a fist.

"Just let it go already," Cindy said, lowly.

"That's easy for you to say. You lying fucking Brutus." Y/n stepped in between them now.


"I found it!" Arnie called. He walked towards them. "I found the witch's house." Tommy and Alice chased after him.

if the end of the world was near | C. Berman.Where stories live. Discover now