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She had convinced her brother her body was taken by the killers. The police had used a spare body to show Ziggy. To convince her, her sister was dead.

And they ran through the woods. She grabbed her hand and ran. Bloody clothes and everything. And they didn't stop until the sun rose.

"Okay," Y/n said. She let her sit against a rock, holding her face in one of her hands. "We're gonna run. We are going to go as far as our legs can take us. You'll make a life somewhere else, I'll come find you. My brother can't know you're still alive," Y/n said, brushing her hair out of her face.


"He's the one behind this. And if he knows you know where the hand is, he'll kill you himself. It's the only thing that can stop it. The curse. I wasn't sure, but then he saved your sister. He saved her, he willed it. He's behind this, I know."

"Stop talking," Cindy said, bringing her lips down to hers. Her hands tangled in Y/n's hair. Their lips moved together.

"I'll tell your sister you're alive when she's older. She'll understand," Y/n said, resting her forehead against Cindy's. "I'll come find you. I'll make good on my promise to you. I'll get you out of Shadyside. We'll be together, we'll live together. We'll die old."

"What about the curse," Cindy whispered.

"Ziggy will end it. Nick doesn't know she knows," Y/n muttered, bringing her lips back to Cindy's. "I'll send you money, as much as I can."

"You'll visit?" Cindy asked, reattaching their lips. Y/n nodded, her hand tugged at her waist bringing her closer.

Cindy took the hoodie off, laying it on the ground. Y/n slowly laid her down on it. "Lay with me," she whispered. "Hold me. I'm tired."

"They'll notice."

"They'll look for you, they won't come out this far."

"Fine," Y/n laid down beside her, wrapping her arms around her. "It won't be long before we're able to see each other."

"We did it for longer," she joked.

"That's because I didn't know who you were."

"And now you do?"

"I don't want to let go," Y/n whispered.

"And her body just disappeared?" The office asked Y/n, she nodded. "That shoulder, have you gotten it check yet?"

"No, sir."

"Let's go do that now," he said. He walked her over and she got her shoulder fix. Ziggy was on a stretcher talking to Nick, staring at what was supposed to be Cindy's body. Y/n stared at her brother.

He did this. And he was lying to Ziggy's face. He caused this pain. He ruined lives. And she was supposed to love him no matter what, but in this moment, she hated him. Cindy could've died. She did die. And he'd lie. He'd get the life he wanted.

Cindy was on the run towards the Canadian border, hoping Y/n would send her letters or come. She was on the run, and Nick Goode was being taken care of by the officers better than Y/n was.

She knew his secret. She knew what he was. And when he walked away from Ziggy, she locked eyes with her and she realized she knew his secret, too. But it'd take time for her to figure out what kind of secret it was.

Cindy was alive. She was alive. That's what mattered to Y/n.

Maybe one day the could put this whole thing behind them.

Put Ziggy got the call from Deena. Ziggy called Y/n.

"It's happening again, Y/n. And it's Nick's fault. We're gonna have to kill him," she said. "I'll call Cindy, too. I know you guys aren't close anymore."

She line clicked.

And she got in her car and drove to Shadyside. It was her brother. And it was time.

Goode is Evil.


hey girlies! should there be a second book?!?!

if the end of the world was near | C. Berman.Where stories live. Discover now