i promised.

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They sat down at the table as Alice opened the bag and pulled an old hand out of it. It was decayed. She gently set it down for the four of them to look at. Y/n went to grab it but Cindy slapped her hand away.

"What? What is it?" Ziggy asked, looking at her sister, then to Y/n.

"It's Sarah Fier's lost hand."

"Nurse Lane...she spent her entire life looking for this. A way to stop the curse that took her daughter."

"If the legend is true, that means her body's still buried--"

"By the tree I was talking about," Y/n finished. "Where Ziggy was hazed.

"We can end this," Cindy smiled. "No more murders, no more curse, no more... pain." Her smile fell as she looked at Tommy. Her hand dropped down and Y/n caught it. Cindy brought it into her lap and held it there. "We can save Shadyside...tonight!"

Ziggy grabbed for the hand dragging it towards her. Her nose started bleeding and dropped onto the old hand. Y/n reached over with her free hand and grabbed ahold of her forearm.

"My nose..." she muttered. "It bled on the hand and...I think I just saw her."


"Sarah Fier. She was angry."

"We have to be this thing, right fucking now." Cindy nodded. With a firm hold still on Y/n's hand she stood up and dragged her with her to go grab the shovels. They brought them back.

"Okay. Let's go," she said, handing her sister a shovel. Alice and Y/n both stared at her.

"So, what? We use our hands?" Y/n asked.

"No, you're staying here," Cindy said.

"No fucking way," Y/n muttered. Cindy's eyes soften.

"Yes fucking way," she whispered. "I'm not losing either of you."

"Yeah, I can hop just fine," Alice laughed. Cindy dragged Y/n to the side.

"No, you're not coming," she scolded.

"Like hell I'm not," she whispered. "I'm going with you. I promise I'd protect you, remember." Cindy stared at her toes. "What is it?"

"Fuck it, we might die anyways," she muttered as her shovel hit the ground. She cupped Y/n's face between her hands and kissed her. Her lips were capped but Y/n didn't care. She let a hand rest on her waist as she pulled her closer.

Ziggy and Alice both smirked at each other. The seemingly perfect good girls were kissing.

Cindy melted into the kiss, her lips moving against Y/n's perfectly, like they were made for each other. When their lungs burned they pulled away and Cindy stood on her tiptoes to rest her forehead on Y/n's. "I've been wanting to do that all night," Cindy whispered, her breath fanning over her lips.

"Me too, you have no idea."

"I hate to break up your moment, but I'm coming to," Alice smiled. But her smile flattered when Cindy gave her a knowing look. "I watched by dad go to jail when I was six. I watched my mom steal.. so i could eat. First time I cut myself I was twelve, that was after...Well, you know when. And now tonight I watched your perfect boyfriend turn into a monster and kill the only person I've ever loved. I've waiting my whole fucking life for this. And now I've found it. Let me see this through. For Arnie. For Tommy, for Shadyside."

"For Shadyside," Cindy spat.

"For Shadyside," Y/n smirked, grabbing ahold of Cindy's hand.

"For Shadyside," Ziggy nodded.

if the end of the world was near | C. Berman.Where stories live. Discover now