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In the darkness, the soft glow of Dream's phone was the last thing keeping him awake. Every few minutes his eyes would begin to drift shut, only for him to snap them open again and force himself to continue scrolling through Twitter. Anything to distract him. Anything to regain that sense of peace.

Blankets were tightly wound around the blonde, as he sprawled out in his bed. It was easy to feel safe and cosy here, in his room. His walls were painted a dark gray, and the gentle sound of waves crashing drifted from his noise machine. But Dream couldn't allow himself to fall asleep.  

Loneliness was a bitter thing. It was something Dream hadn't felt in a long time. A true disconnect between reality and himself. A deep feeling that tugged at his heart, making him feel like everything was falling apart only to crumble back together again.

Something was missing. And that something was the connection Dream had to his girlfriend, who had broken up with him through text only a week before. She couldn't even give him the decency to call. Couldn't look him in the face and tell him.

Nausea welled up inside him as he remembered what had happened. His hands shook as he clutched his phone, doing his best to repress the memory. His eyes swam with unshed tears. 

The laughter of his friends, hopping around in game. Joking. Smiling. Reading chat. And then the ding from his phone. Dream had glanced down, scanning the text. He thought he'd read it wrong at first, it was so unbelievable. So incomprehensible.

The message still swam through Dream's mind as he licked his dry, chapped lips. I' can't do this anymore...' Dream shut his eyes tight. 'We're falling apart.' Lies. 'We haven't had a real talk in months.' Excuses. 'I think we should see other people.'

Other people? After three years that's all she could say? That they should see other people? And the audacity to do it while he was streaming. It was selfish.

He had a feeling she did it to see his response. To watch while his heart broke in two. To laugh while everything around Dream crumbled. The worst part was he couldn't even react because none of his fanbase knew he was dating someone. Instead, he'd quickly said he was tired and logged off.

It had been a week since Dream had taken care of himself. He desperately needed to take a shower and eat something. He sighed as he threw his phone down on the bed, suddenly feeling more awake. Maybe he would feel better if he got off of Twitter and tried to rejoin the land of the living, because hiding in his room was doing him no good. 

Dream rubbed his eyes as he made his way downstairs and poured himself some cereal. He sat silently at the kitchen table, eating his midnight snack. A gentle purring came from Dream's side, and Dream immediately scooped the little cat into his arms.

"What do you think I should do Patches?" Dream mumbled as he pet her gently. "God, I'm such a mess."

The little cat meowed in response. Dream sighed.

"Dream?" a voice came from somewhere behind him. Dream's eyes widened as he turned to see a figure coming down the stairs. Sapnap.

"Oh my god Sapnap, don't do that to me. You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry," Sapnap chuckled lightly, rubbing his eyes. "I didn't mean to bother you or anything. I just wanted to get something to drink."

"It's all good," Dream replied lightly, before pausing for a moment. "Sorry if I woke you up. It's just, well... I've just been having a hard time sleeping lately, you know. After everything."

"I'm sorry Dream," Sapnap said, stumbling over his words as if he didn't quite know what to say. "What she did was so screwed up."

Dream groaned, pressing his face into the palms of his hands. "I just feel so stupid," he muttered, his voice cracking as he spoke. "I genuinely thought she liked me. We were together for three years for crying out loud. I thought she was going to be 'the one'."

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