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George clenched the wheel, his hands pressing desperately against the leather. Somewhere on his side Dream let out a chuckle.

"Calm down George, you're driving a car, not flying a rocket."

George frowned. "So you wouldn't call operating machinery a technical skill?"

"Not really, it's like Mario Kart. You turn the wheel, floor the gas, and honk the horn. Beep beep!"

"Ugh. You're such a child," George said, giggling as he rolled his eyes. Wait. Did I just giggle? His crush was roaring its ugly head again, and George was honestly getting tired of it. He stomped his feelings down deep inside of him, and let out a small breath of air. Focus. Focus on the wheel and the road.

George squinted at the pavement, gulping as he slowly pushed his foot down on the gas.

"Good, easy now."

Dream's hand rested easily on the back of George's seat, and the blonde leaned over, allowing his hand to rest gently against George's on the wheel.


Dream's voice was deep and buttery as he scooched closer, gently pressing into George's side.

"You've got this Georgie."

Georgie? George would have normally scoffed or even punched someone in the mouth for calling him such a ridiculous name. But when it came out of Dream's mouth... out of his oh-so-kissable lips- it made George want to shut him up in other ways.

"Be quiet," George mumbled, "and let me drive."

"You need to focus on the road, Georgie," Dream said. "Don't be a distracted driver."

It was difficult to focus on the road with Dream in the passenger seat, and it took everything within him to not slam on the break, put the car in park, and insist the blonde drive.

"Dream..." George's voice was low. This was his warning to the man. To lay the fuck off.

"Don't be like that George," Dream's voice dropped, his hand falling from the back of George's seat to land on his back. "You're doing so well."


"Slowly ease into the brake George. Good. Now look both ways. Turn on your blinker."

George began glancing around, looking for the blinker when Dream gently let his hand rest on George's chin, turning his head until he was staring directly at the mechanism.

"Right there Georgie. You got this."

The constant encouragement was too much. George swallowed as he flicked on the blinker, turning the car back around and heading back towards the house.

"Aw, are we not going to drive around for longer?"

"No," George bit out. He was hiding it for now, but he was seething. How could Dream do this to him? Touch him and compliment him and... he had to know what he was doing right? He had to see the effect it was having?

George was so tired of taking it all on. He was tired of having to tamper down his crush to save his friendship. He was tired of being around Dream.

As soon as they pulled into the driveway, George eagerly shifted the car into park and stormed inside.

"George, wait-"

George ignored Dream and quickly made his way to his room. Time to pack. In a whirlwind, he threw everything in his sight into his suitcase, not bothering to make sure he'd remembered everything. He didn't care. He couldn't care.

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