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Dream was tired. The meet and greet seemed to drag on forever, and he felt bad for not focusing on his fans but all he could think about was George waking up sad and alone.

Dream worried. Would George check Twitter and have another panic attack while Dream wasn't there? What if something happened? What if a fan broke in, or George got recognized, or what if George needed help and there was no one there?

His only consolation was that he'd made Tommy promise to check up on him.

"Take him to get something to eat away from everyone else," Dream had said. "Or do something fun. Just promise me you will keep him away from the masses."

"No promises," Tommy had responded easily. "But I won't do anything George doesn't agree to."

And Dream just had to be okay with that...

George was an adult, he could handle himself. But it didn't stop Dream from having this strange urge to protect him, coddle him, and make sure he was okay.

It was unsettling to say the least...

Dream imagined what George would say if he told him how much he wanted to protect him. The brunette would laugh, eyes rolling as he shook his head, the small soft tendrils of hair falling across his face. His tiny blush and soft smile.

It was crazy to feel, but Dream missed George after only being apart for only a few hours. Man. Something felt weird about this.

"Dude," Sapnap hissed, startling him from his thoughts. "At least try to look happy."

Dream frowned. He'd thought he had been covering up his emotions pretty well, but clearly not good enough.

He sighed, tilting his lips up slowly as he tried for a smile.

"And try not to look like you're constipated."

Dream shoved Sapnap, causing the man to stumble back.


Sapnap moved to shove Dream, but Karl immediately intercepted them.

"Not in front of the fans you idiots!"

Dream sighed, turning to the next group in line and flashing a smile for their picture.

It felt like forever, but finally the groups began to dwindle and the line grew shorter and shorter. After months of being excited for Vidcon and meeting his fans, never once had he thought he'd be desperate to leave, but his excitement grew when they were finally down to last few groups.

Get me out of here...

"Next," one of the security guards called, moving the line along.

It was a group of guys. Three of them wore matching masks and glasses, the other standing a bit to the side with a plain black mask of his own.

And they all wore Dream hoodies.

"Oh my God, it's Dream!" the blonde one spoke in an excited hush. Dream's eyes widened as he began to recognize who was in front of him.

He was going to kill Tommy...

"Let's keep things moving kid, take your picture," the security guard intercepted.

The group began to move forward to take the picture together, despite the situation. Clearly the security guard didn't realize the predicament and Dream desperately didn't want anyone to know.

Anyone to realize who was among them...

And yet, Dream found himself yanking the one he recognized as George towards him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder as he smiled for the picture.

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