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George woke up feeling cold and alone.

He sighed as he sat up in bed, blinking dreariness out of his eyes as morning light peeked in through the curtains. He could hear shrieks and laughter coming from the hall, no doubt other content creators heading down to the convention.

George glanced to the side, spotting his phone charging on the bedside table. He picked it up and looked at the time- 11:30. How had he slept in so late?

He had two notifications, both text messages from Dream.


I'm coming back after the meet and greet, stay put please. We'll talk when I get back.

Oh, and everythings fine but don't go on Twitter just yet. It won't help and it will be better to do something else to take your mind off things.

George sighed, throwing himself back onto the bed. Of course Dream was at the meet and greet, the one George was supposed to be at.

He wasn't sure why he'd expected anything different.

George felt really bad, like he was letting his fans down. He knew people paid to come here and see him, and now he wasn't there.

He wondered if he should try to push past his fear and find his friends.

The moment the thought was sparked however, his stomach began to twist painfully. All those people... all of them know about his breakdown. More likely than not they all saw the videos and pictures.

Even if they were sympathetic, he couldn't deal with their pity. It just wasn't worth it.

So George sat quietly on his bed, trying to figure out what to do until Dream came back.

Or figure out what to do until Dream, Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity came back of course.

George began considering what to watch on Netflix when a loud knock startled him from his thoughts.


"Open up Big G!" a loud voice came from behind the door.

George rolled his eyes. Of all the people...

"Give me a second!" George called back, rolling out of bed and rushing to get dressed. While he got ready, he listened to the hushed murmurs of people talking outside the door.

"Yeah, Dream said-"

"I don't give a fuck what Dream said. We're going to do it and it's going to be fun."

"Tommy, this doesn't seem-"

George ripped the door open, startling the trio that stood in front of him. He had expected to see Tommy and Tubbo considering he could hear them, but Ranboo was with them as well.

Tommy was wearing his classic red and white shirt, while Tubbo had on a brown jacket with a little bee sewn on in the corner. Ranboo sported a navy blue Hawaiin shirt and his typical mask and glasses.

"What are you guys doing here," George questioned.

"We wanted to see you George," Tubbo perked up, smiling contentedly.

"Yeah, how have you been, man?" Ranboo chimed in cautiously.

George winced. He knew they were there to check up on him after everything that had happened yesterday. It made him feel like a child- he was 24 for goodness sakes. And these were literally children seeing if he was okay.

It was a bit of a blow to his ego if he was honest.

"Fine," George sighed, crossing his arms. "How has the convention been so far?"

"It's been great!" Tommy spouted excitedly. "We've been up to so much shit you don't even know. Robberies, fraudulent activities- did you know Ranboo is now legally an ordained minister?"

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