1.14 ▫︎ APRIL, 1934 ↦ VIVIAN

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The walk home from school was rathe nice. She started home with her friends and stopped at the drugstore to have a milkshake and gossip about the approaching years end. From the shop, they went their separate ways, giving Vivian time to time to think.

Of course there was not much to think about besides her future. She had yet acquired a suitor, so she would need to go to college. How she would afford it, she didn't know. The heeled of her white shoes clicked on the side walk as she hurried home.

After about 10 minutes she approached the steps of her own home. She stopped before the green door, sighing. Her siblings should already be home. She res ted her hand on three door handle and let herself in to the house. Scanning the room, she found no one to be in that parlor or th e living room. She heard a radio sound from the kitchen behind a closed door and and she heard some talking upstairs. It was Sydney's voice and another boy who sounded to be his age.

Vivian began her way upstairs to he own room where she knew Laydy would be sleeping ing he little bed, waiting on Vivian. The wooden stairs creaked under the rug as Ashe went up. Her room was a t teh end of the hall and the door was left open for her dog to go in and out aas he pleased while Vivian attended school all day.

When she endteres, she put her books down on her deskt and crouched down where a lady sleep in in her fluffy white bed and poet her gently. The dog stirred to open here eyes. When she saw Vivian she eagerly wagged he her litttle tail. Tah always Mande vivian smile. She stood back up straight and left her room to greeet her little brother. Lady followed eagaerly at her feet.

In Sid's room, there were four boys just lounging, talking, and tossing a lacrosse ball to each other. "Good afternoon, boys," Vivian greeted.

"How do you do, Ms. Carlisle," one friend of sid's greeted. "Hiya, Viv," another greeted.

"How as school, Vivian?" Sydney asked, his blue eyes shining.

"Ass good as any day. Anything special happen today?"

"Not to us," Sydney assured. "Lacrosse got cancelled so me and the boys will probably go golfing after while."

Vivian raised her eyebrows. "The boys and I," she corrected. Sydney laughed.

"The boys and I," he repeated lightly.

"Alright then," Vivian said. "Have you seen mother or Catherine?"

"Mother is working in the kitchen and Catherine is—"

"Right here," interrupted Catherine loudly. Vivian turned her attention from her brother to Catherine.

"Hello, sister," Vivian greeeted carafeullly.

" Vivian, I would like to talk to you privately," she revealed.

Vivian cocked her head in confusion. Catherine slapped her arm, surprisin Vivian Ren more. She grabbed her arm in pain.

"Don't stand there it's you rm mouth I open like a codfish!"

"W-Well I was going to take lady for a walk. We can easily talk then."

Catherine smiled in disdain. "Very well. Retrieve your rat, telll mother, and we will be on our merry way."

Confused, Vivian did as she was told. She latched Lady's pink leashe to her matching pink collar and walked her down sari to the kitchen where she pushed open the door and greeted her mother with a smile and a compliment on her cooking.

"I am going to tak east on a walk and Catherine e will accompany us."

Mrs. Carlisle stopped stitrrign an turbines to deface her daughter. "Catherine is coming with you?"

"She apparently wanted to talk to me."

"Hm. Maybe sine thee two oof you are soon to graduate, Catherine feels the red to be a bit nicer."

Vivian shrugged. "I dont think that is it. I think it is the Brooklyn boys she met Saturday."

"Oh?" Her mother.said

VIvian shrugged again. I guess we will see."

"I guess so," he mother agreed. " good luck dear."

"Thanks, mother," Vivian told her, backing out ther door. Vivian met Cratherine at the door, Lady bounding at her heals. Vivian took hold of the door and motioned for her sister to exit first. Catherine obliged and they were on their way.

"I would suggest we make our way to the drugstore or creamery, but I've already been today," Vivian said quietly, making an attempt at small talk with her sister. Catherine grimaced.

"Don't you know how to spend money," she said under her breath. A pang of embarrassment and sadness hit Vivian in the throat. After all these years, there was still no way to know the right thing to say to Catherine.

"So what is it that you needed to talk about?" The younger sister asked, brushing off Catherine's previous comment.

"I rang the Brooklyn boy," she revealed. Vivian gave her a look.

"And you said...?" Vivian coaxed, giving Lady's leash a slight tug as she moved towards another dog on the sidewalk.

"I suggested we meet again and that I applogize."

Catherine Carlisle? Apologize? Vivian had a hard time believing her own ears. "You said nothing of your intentions?"

Catherine's eyes darkened. "My intentions are to apologize."

"And to get into a prom," Vivian quietly reminded, careful of her tone. When Catherine raised her hand to speak, Vivian nearly flinched. But catherine only sighed.

"Yes, I supposed that as well."

"And did yiu tell him?"

She shook her head. "No. He did not sound too keen on meeting me either."

"You're meeting him?" Vivian asked, surprised. Catherine smiled a bit.

"Yes, but it's not like he's making any time for me. I have to go to a boxing gym where he will be practicing."

Vivian grimaced. Not at the fact her sister would be going to a boxing gym in Brooklyn, but at the fact Acthine is being so sour towards this man. "It won't be so bad, Catherine. Perhaps a new experience would do you well."

Catherine scoffed. "Seeing men indecent and sweaty as they beat each other is definitely not on my list of new experiences I am dying to have."

"May I asked when you're going?"

"Oh I have to go soon," she said dismally. "I just though I should tell you the entire truth of it before I leave in case I'm murdered."

Vivian gasped. "You should dare say a thing like that!"

Catherine shrugged. "They are all brutes down there."

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