Tomorrow ✨

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Nothing compares to the smell of the land where you're born, you can spend your whole life wandering all around the world but still wish to die and buried in the land where your and yours ancestors soul belongs.

That's what he thought as they landed at Incheon airport. He loved spending time abroad but his heart still boomed everytime they came back to their home. And now he had another reason to have a thumping heart while heading back to dorm. A date. More specifically a date with Hannah. He had waited for two weeks schedule to end just so, he could go back and meet her.

Somebody might think that he had only met her a few times, then why was he so enthusiastic about meeting her.
He himself thought about it. Not while he was in Tokyo, no, he had this talk with himself long before that. He questioned it when he came crying back to dorm after being rejected by her. He pondered over this matter that why this person meant so much to him? Why he always craved her attention? Why was he so desperate to make her fall for him? He had dated before but never ever he had this strong urge to be close to them the way he had for Hannah.

He couldn't call it infatuation, he didn't want to because he knew it wasn't. He had had experienced it and this was something strong. It was anything but infatuation or mere adoration. And weeks after that he thought and thought and then concluded may be she was the one.

But now when he came back, there was no may be this time. He was sure she was the one for him. Even if she fails to reciprocate his feeling. And that was the thing that scared him, the feeling that this might not work, what if she get bored of him. But something in his heart was telling him not to lose hope.

After coming back to his room, he lied down and sleep came the moment his head hit the pillow.

Next day, everybody woke up when it was almost afternoon. Boys decided to just roam around together in two groups. But then came the chaos while deciding who'd sit where and with whom so they decided to finally fit in one vehicle and left the dorm.

For wandering in less crowded places it was 7 in the evening and it started raining. They were heading towards dorm when Jimin spotted the flower shop and asked Jin to stop the car. As the older stopped the vehicle, Jimin asked Yoongi to buy flower telling him that he wanted it. While he was gone Jin being the one who always pranked younger members suggested that they should drop Yoongi to Hannah's home. Just to tease him about it.

Yoongi came back with flowers and slightly smacked Jimin for sending him in rain. He didn't pay attention to where they were going until the car came to stop and he was met with a very familiar surrounding. And soon came the cold sweat. That's when he realized that all of them were now looking at him with very subtle smirks on their face except for Jimin who looked possessed because of the smirk he had.

"Why....why are we here?"

"I thought you wanted to meet her."
Jin said while looking innocently at him. And Yoongi was well aware,  it was his plan.

"Yeah, I want to but not when I'm with a bunch of untamed zoo animals."

Taehyung and Jimin let out a dramatic gasp at the same time.

"Hey! Did you just called us animals? Who do you think you are? You out of all people calling us zoo animals...."

"She's here." Jimin said interrupting the eldest.

"Oh__ she's with someone." This time Jin spoke and Yoongi's head shot up in the direction where now all of them were looking.

She indeed was with someone. That someone being specifically the person who made her cry.

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