2. Wonderboy.

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 Mornings were a joy for young Andie Tyler. Much like her father, she loved the morning breeze along with the music of God's creatures. Growing up, Paul would wake Andie and bring her for a stroll in the park. When they would return, they would make breakfast for Linda. Mostly pancakes but during any special occasion, they would make waffles. Once a month, Linda would get terrible period cramps and the father and daughter would make an omelette and a bowl of oat porridge for the sick woman. Today, was one of those days. 

 As young Andie stood up from her bed, she turned off the small alarm clock that was on her nightstand. She took a moment to remember the origin of the clock. It was of baby blue color, one of her favorite colors, given on the day she had turned 10 by her father. Not long before that, they had celebrated her for going through a night sleeping alone in her room with no source of even the smallest light. Most nights she had to use a nightlight to sleep alone or she would run to her parents' room at the witching hour. Looking back, it really wasn't that big of a deal as it was something every person must go through but Linda and Paul promised to buy her something nice for her room. Linda got her a beautiful set of bedsheets, as perfect as it could ever be for Andie. It was so perfect for her that upon seeing it, you would, almost in an instant, think of her. Paul bought her the clock. It was small, as she was, as she has always been. 

 Andie smiled at the thought of her father and the memories she had with him. As quick as a lighter's flick, her smile faltered as she heard her mom call her name in agony. Knowing what it meant, she rushed out and entered her mother's room, knocking once. Normally, she would knock until her mother answered before she would enter. But her mother wasn't feeling well, and her first day of the cycle was always the worst. Those, these, times, Andie would only knock once and immediately entered to be by her mother's side. All ready to be of assistance. 

"Mom, what can I do?" she asked, worry painted on her face.

"Please, get me a cup of hot water and ow-" Linda grunts, "and some Vaporub, please."

 Andie nodded and quickly went to the kitchen to grab what her mother needed. Then she stopped at the toilet to grab the Vaporub which she knew would help her mother greatly. Her mother sighed heavily, trying her best not to focus on the pain growing in her stomach. Andie understood the pain her mother felt as she too, had the worst period cramps every month. Linda took some painkillers along with the hot water and rubbed some balm on her stomach. Knowing the routine, Andie called Mr. Keene to inform him of her mother's situation. 

"Mom, I can stay home today if you want to," Andie smiled, hoping to ease her mother's pain.

Linda gave a tired smile and told her daughter, "No, Andie. It's the last day and you have a lot to hand in. I'll be alright, it's not my first rodeo."

"Okay then. I'm gonna shower and make some breakfast for you. I'll make some rice porridge for your lunch too. So, later, you can just heat it up. Is that okay?" Andie asked with a smile that relieved Linda. At least for a little while. 

"Thank you honey," Linda nodded, grateful of her daughter's kindness. 

"Just get some rest, Ma," Andie got up and kissed her mother's forehead before leaving the room to take a shower. 

 Andie proceeded to do all the things she said she would. She kissed her mother goodbye, and proceeded to walk outside, making her usual way to school. Upon reaching, she was met with Henry Bowers and his friends; Patrick, Victor and Belch. She looked up and he glares at her. Knowing Henry, she was scared but she knew that he was not supposed to harm her. Though, fear was something she still felt greatly. He scoffed and left her, making his way to the right. 


 Everyone has their own favorite sounds. As a student, one of them would surely be the ringing of the school bell, indicating the end of the school day. Today was even better as it meant no school for at least two months. Once every student's ear was blessed by the continously loud ringing, everyone jolted up, not even bothering to listen to what the teacher had to say. At least, that was the case for Andie's last period; science. 

 Unlike her mother, science was not Andie's strongest suit. She loved nature and has always found interest but the subject of science was something she despised. She would like to be just like each and every other of her classmates; pushing and struggling to get through the door to leave this shithole they call a school. But she had to stop by her locker first to grab some stuff before leaving and she knew it would be hell standing there, blocking the way of others rushing to leave. It would be way too hectic and annoying. 

 Honestly, Andie thought no one would wait back but she was wrong. One of her classmates stayed behind too. She didn't know his name but he had brown hair with curls so defined and styled. He wore a kippah which meant he was Jewish and it was placed nicely on his head. He wore a light blue shirt but that was about the only thing she can see from his behind. He looked around, waiting for everyone to leave and his soft brown eyes made contact with Andie's. She smiled at him and he turned away the second her smile appeared. She was left with confusion and intrigue. 

 Andie didn't know but the boy was nervous. Though she had no idea the name of the boy, he knew exactly who she was. He had a habit of learning his surroundings and that included the name of the girl who moved at a time considered unusual for moving. He didn't know her at all and he knew she had no idea of his existence. Sometimes he would find himself wishing she knew him but he knew better than anyone that in this town, it's better not to be known at all. Especially by a girl who seems to be immune to Henry Bowers and Greta Keene's harm. 

 Andie watched as the boy left the room, her; not long after. She didn't see where the boy had stopped as she was busy making her way to her locker while the hallway was still crowded but she assumed it was less than before. When she reached her locker, she felt the lack of moisture on her lips and opened her locker that reveals a small mirror attached to the inside. She reached for her lip balm in her pocket and put on a layer of it, making sure her lips stay hydrated. 

"Damn, she's hot," Andie hears from her right. 

 She placed the lid of the lip balm and placed it in her pockets, turning to look at where the voice came from. Unsurprising to her, she saw the figure of a skinny boy with dark messy hair, wearing a spectacle too big for his small, almost round-like face. The face which she recognized as Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier. Andie was bad with names but it's hard not to remember loud Richie. He was by an open locker, which Andie assumed was his. Beside him stood a small boy with brown hair, carrying a backpack and a fanny pack around his waist. Andie knew she had seen him before but she didn't know or forgot his name. 

 Beside the small boy stood two other boys. One of them she knew as Bill Denbrough. She knew of his stuttering problem but she remembered him not because of that, but because of the tragic disappearance of his brother a few months before she arrived. He was also one of her neighbours. In between Bill and the small boy stood the curly haired Jewish boy from her science class. She can't help but stare at the boy, finding interest in him. She wondered what his name was and all sorts of things about him. She wanted to know what brings a smile to his face, what he likes to eat and what his dreams are. Those thoughts were interrupted when she was brought back to reality by Richie being, well, himself. 

"Hey, sugar," he leaned his right arm on his closed locker. 

Andie kept her gaze steady at the curly haired kid, ignoring what Richie just said, and asked, "You're in my science class. What's your name?" 

The boy looked shocked as his eyes widened upon being asked the question. Before he could say anything, Richie took a step forward and said, "I'll tell you his name if you give me your number." Richie smirked at the girl, thinking his flirting game was strong enough to win her. 

Andie gave a condescending smile to Richie before glancing towards the curly haired boy, then back at Richie. "Or, you can tell me his name and I'll give him my number and," she made an expression one would describe as in thought before continuing, "if he feels like it, he'll share." Richie looked defeated. Giving up, he revealed the boy's name as Stanley. Smiling, Andie tore a small page of a book from her locker and wrote her number on it, the group of boys still watching her as she kept her stuff in her bag. After closing the locker, she turned to them. "So, wonderboy," she began, walking closer to the boy she now knows as Stanley. "Call me," she placed the piece of paper in the front pocket of his shirt and winked at him, leaving them completely still and frozen as though they were faced with something so surreal, they couldn't differ between real life and dreams. 

Wonder. | A Stanley Uris Fanfiction. | IT 2017.Where stories live. Discover now