23. Summer.

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 The weekend had arrived and as promised, Andie's bike lesson began today. She didn't know whether she was excited or nervous about it, but one thing for sure was she wanted to see Stanley again even though she had only just seen him yesterday. She had put on a long sleeve striped blue, pink and white shirt, paired with denim shorts. She tied her hair in a ponytail with the scrunchie that Stanley had given her weeks ago at the quarry. 


"Shit, shit, shit," Andie cursed as she pedalled Stanley's bicycle without him by her side. "Stan! Oh my God!" 

"Oh, shit, you alright?" Stanley rushed to the girl who had just fell. 

"Yeah. That was horrible," she chuckled. 

"Yeah, a little," he nodded in agreement.

"Hey!" she frowned. 

"What? You said it."

"You weren't supposed to agree," Andie rolled her eyes.

"That would be lying and I could never lie to you."

Andie smirked at the boy. "Come on, help me up," she held out her hand and Stanley took it, pulling her up.

 And again, they tried for the whole day until Andie finally had gotten the hang of it. However, they had to stop their practice as both of them were getting tired from the burning sun. Instead of going home though, the two had hung out at Stanley's as he led her to his bedroom. Upon seeing it, Andie was certainly shocked. It did not look like a boy's bedroom. It was clean, neat, perfectly in place. There was a shelf full of books, which Andie whole-heartedly admired. His walls were blank, not a poster in sight. The walls were of light blue color, and the room was made of light that came from the sun through his windows above his studying table which held books and stationaries that were kept in place. 

 "Wow," Andie exclaimed in awe as she studied his shelf, full of books.

"I knew you'd like that," Stanley had a wide smile on his face.

"I do," Andie beamed. 


Time had came for Andie to go back home and though Stanley had offered to take her home, she declined. On her way back, she had to walk past the Denbrough's and as she did, Bill's figure called out to her. She heard him but ignored his calls and continued walking. 

"Andie!" he called, trying to catch up to her, but he only made it half way before she finally turned around with a frown on her face.

"What do you want, Bill?"

"Are-Are you m-mad at me?" 

"What do you think?" she scoffed. 


"Look, thank you so much for your gift. I really appreciate it, trust me, I do," Andie began, her voice softened as she slipped her hands into her pockets. "But," she paused, taking a deep breath. "Why didn't you come yesterday?" Bill looked at her in confusion, allowing her to continue, with more frustration than before. "Stanley's Bar Mitzvah? I know he invited you."

"Oh," Bill uttered, guilt painted on his face. 

"Why didn't you come? Richie was there, I was there. I get Eddie, he's basically held captive but where were you?" Andie's voice cracked as her heart drowned. 

"I didn't think, think he wanted to see me," Bill stammered.

"It was his birthday, you're one of his best friends. Of course he wanted to see you. It was a big deal to him and you weren't there."

Wonder. | A Stanley Uris Fanfiction. | IT 2017.Where stories live. Discover now