20. The House on Neibolt Street.

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"Andie, what's your deepest, darkest secret?" 


 That day, after the park, Andie had returned home with a ride from Bill. The whole journey was filled with only silence, though Andie's head was far from silent. She had finally uncovered the truth about how her father could forget his childhood. He went through the same exact thing she did. If It really was using fear, it would mean that she and Paul had the same fear. The sickness she had, it was inherited from her father. She had always wondered how she came to be that way but now, she had her answer. Though, now it made her sadder. Now she knows that she didn't know her father very well, because he kept secrets from her. She hated it, the secrets and she wanted to be angry at Paul for having kept them, but she couldn't. One question filled her mind; Was his death really a suicide?

 She went on to sleep for the night, though she was disturbed in the middle of the dark night. She laid on her bed and heard snipping noises, like the way it would sound when you cut a paper with really sharp scissors. Andie shivered at the cold temperature, pulling her blanket over her head to cuddle her with heat. But the sound was too distracting. Andie got out of her bed and her view was of void, the darkness turning the whole world black. Nevertheless, she moved closer to the door to get the light, but before she could, the light got to her first. 

 The world came to view, and she was met with the clown, with It. She gasped and took a step back. The clown was sitting on her chair by the table, it's hand held a scissor. Though It was not cutting paper, instead, It had snipped Andie's scrunchie in half. Her scrunchie that was given by her father. 

"You don't like secrets, Andie?" The clown looked at her and tilted It's head, It's wide, creepy grin came to view. "Here's a secret for ya," It's voice in a child-like tone. 

 Andie woke up, gasping from air, trembling and shaking, sweating yet shivering. The room was filled with light from the sun. It was morning. Still in a crazed state, Andie's breathing was short, needing more air, she muttered only one word.



"I'm sorry?" 

"What's your deepest, darkest secret?" 

 Stanley had came over to Andie's before they were supposed to meet Bill. The two were on the floor of the room, lying down, eyes on the ceiling. Andie had laid her head on Stan's shoulders, though their bodies were quite far from one another, but their hands intertwined. Andie stayed silent, fumbling with her fingers, unsure if she should be truthful or not. 

"Do you want me to go first?" 

"Yes," she answered. 

"I think I'm not what people expected. I always feel like I'm disappointing others, especially my father. It's like, I have all this pressure on me and I just never seemed to reach other's standards. So, everything I do, I have to do again," his voice, trembling.

"I think I know what you mean. For me, it's more like I'm not good enough. I, uh, I'm not really stable. Like, I have a lot of meltdowns and panic attacks. I still get them. And sometimes, I just feel things. Too much of things and I worry that I might push people away because of it. I, uh, I think I'm not easy to be with. So, like you, I repeat the things I do, because I think that if I can't do it properly, I'm just not enough."



"I just want you to know that I don't think you're not easy to be with," Stanley said gently, sitting up, making Andie do the same. "In fact, spending time with you actually made me feel more comfortable. I,uh, I've never told anyone about my secret but talking to you, being with you, it's so easy for me to be open and honest. I'm not usually like this," he shrugged.

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