24. The Final Battle.

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"Guys, spikes."

 The group, including Eddie had made their way together, once again, to the house on Neibolt Street. Mike had brought with him bolt guns from the slaughterhouse owned by his grandfather. Just as Bill and Andie bent down to pick some spikes to be placed in Bill's small bag, Eddie had threw away his fanny pack out into the streets. While Mike was loading the guns, Richie found an empty bottle of beer and smashed it against the wooden railings of the stairs. The only problem was, he had smashed it too hard and too close to the neck of the bottle. When it smashed, it could barely be used so he just tossed it aside. Soon enough, they all began making their way towards the entrance of the house, with Bill in the front, followed by Richie and Ben, then Mike, Eddie, Andie and Stanley. 

"Stan?" Ben and Andie called to him as he stood further back than the rest, still outside while the others were already in the house. 

"S-Stan, we all have to go," Bill convinced. "Bev-Beverly was right. If we split up like last time, that clown will kill us one by one." Andie couldn't help but tense up at Stan's expression, which were a mix of fear, sadness and worry. "But if we, s-st-stick to-together, all of us, we'll win. I promise."

"He's right, Stan," Andie said softly. Stanley looked at Bill, then to Andie and with a deep breath, he took a step forward. Andie stayed back and waited for Stanley. She took his hand and gave it a squeeze just as they always have done to one another whenever in need. Stanley stared at her, gulping, before she gave a him a comforting nod and smile. 

They followed the rest of the group, with Bill leading the way down the stairs to the basement. All of their flashlights were on, pointing ahead or around in case of unwanted visitors. "Hey, Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie joked upon seeing the broken well that Bill mentioned during their last visit. They all stood over it, looking down to it's never ending fall. 

"I wouldn't wanna make a wish in that fucking thing," Eddie said. 

"Beverly?" Ben called out, his voice echoed and reflected against the walls of the well. 

"How are we supposed to get down there?" Mike asked. 

"That's a really good question," Andie gulped. 

"There," Bill was turned around, his light pointed to some ropes laid on the dirty floor. He grabbed them and with Mike's help, they lowered it down carefully into the well. 

Bill began climbing, carefully with Mike and Andie's help, they lowered him down. "Eddie, you first," Richie said, helping the boy climb up so he could get the rope and follow Bill, who had found a tunnel. 

"Rich, your turn," Andie announced, helping the boy up. Once he had gotten down, it was Ben's turn who safely arrived with the help of Bill and Richie down at the edge of tunnel. "Stan, it's your turn."

"What about you?" he asked. 

"I'll be right behind you. Just get there safe first, okay?" Stanley nodded and with her help, he got the rope, and made his way down to the tunnel.

 Once he was safe, Andie turned to Mike for a nod of confidence only to hear Mike scream in pain. Andie was met with Henry Bowers, his eyes were dark. Darker than she had ever seen before. There was pure rage and hatred painted across his complexion, his hands were balled into angry fists as he tossed away the pipe he had used to attack Mike. Before Andie could make her way forward to help fallen Mike, Bowers had pushed her into the well, her hands free of the rope. She let out a long scream as she began her descend with nothing to hold on to. Everyone in the tunnel watched in fear as she began falling but thankfully, her hands had managed to grab onto the edge of the tunnel, her lower body hanging over the endless well. She looked down and shut her eyes, screaming for help as Bill and Richie came forward to grab her hand, pulling her up into the tunnel. Once she safely stood, her tears had rolled down her cheeks, with her arms tightly wrapped around Bill's neck, his words of comfort surrounded her ears. 

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