4. The Barrens.

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 Andie arrived home and continued her day as routine. While waiting for the hour to pass, she heard ringing from the phone. A second after it stopped ringing, she heard her mother call her name. She went downstairs to the kitchen where the telephone was and took it from her mother who then went upstairs to rest as she was still recovering from her cramps. 


"Uh, hi, Andie. It's uh, Stan. Stanley Uris. From science?" 

"I remember you, Stan," Andie chuckled lightly at the boy's nervousness.

"Oh. Okay. I just wanted to uh, confirm if you were coming," Stan said.

"I am, if, welcomed. Am I?"

"Are you what?"


"Oh, of course. Yeah," Stan nodded, though Andie couldn't see.

"Cool," Andie muttered.


 They hung up the phone and Andie decided to go to her mother's room to say goodbye as Bill could be arriving any minute. "Who was that?" Linda asked.

"A friend," Andie mumbled.

"He's going with you to the sewers?" questioned Linda.

Andie nodded before adding, "yes but there are 3 others following including Bill."

"It's fine, Andie. Be safe and don't stay out too late."

"Okay. Thanks, mom. I should go outside now. Love you."

"Love you too."

 They said their goodbyes to one another and just as Andie opened the door, the figure of the tall boy stopped his bike at the walkway. He looked up and grinned. She closed the door to her house and approached Bill and climbed on his bike, wrapping her arms around his waist just as she did before. Bill informed her that they were going to meet Richie and Stanley at Eddie's house. Eddie. That must have been the name of the small boy with the fanny pack. She'll try to remember that. She only nodded as Bill started cycling away but not for long since Eddie's house wasn't too far away. They arrived and saw Stanley and Richie already waiting outside the door. Andie hopped off the bike when Bill stopped but was shock when Bill just let the silver bike fell to the ground. 

"Hi, Stan," Andie flashed him a smile. Turning away to Richie, she said "Richie."

They replied to her hi's and Richie proceeded to knock on the door. When it opened, it revealed the small boy, with a fanny pack around his waist who Andie now knows as Eddie.

"Uh, Andie, I think it's better if you stay outside," the boy said, stealing glances to the inside of the house nervously.

"Oh, uh, okay," she nodded, a little hurt. 

"I'll stay out with her," Stanley called out to his friends who were making their way in.

"Oh, you don't have-"

"It's okay, I want to," he beamed, looking into the girl's eyes, his friends only nodded and made their way in. 

The sound of the door closing was heard and Stanley saw Andie looking down. Worried she took Eddie's request the wrong way, he came closer to Andie and said, "Mrs. Kaspbrak is really strict. If she knows you're here, you would probably be dead," he chuckled lightly, hoping to lighten the mood.

Andie looked up to him, nodding and said, "Oh." 

Stanley, once more, broke the silence, "Thanks for your number."

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