25. Wonder.

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 Almost a month had passed as September crept it's way to the year. The Losers were now at a beautiful green area at The Barrens, away from the sewers, though. They were sitting on tree barks and rocks, all of them, in a circle. Richie sat beside Bill, with Eddie by his other side. Next to Eddie was Mike, then Andie, Stanley, Ben and Beverly. 

"I can only remember parts," Beverly confessed as she began telling them of her experience when being taken by Pennywise, the clown. "I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like." She took a pause and continued, "I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older, like our parents' ages."

"Wh-wh-what were we all doing there?" Bill asked. 

Beverly lightly shook her head, "I just remember how we felt, how scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that." 

She exchanged looks with one another, before Bill took a glass shard he found on the ground and stood up. "Swear it. Swear, if It isn't dead, if It ever comes back, we'll come back, too."

 Everyone looked to one another until Beverly stood up tall, joining Bill, followed by Richie, Eddie, and the others. Bill began cutting his left hand with the glass, then moving on to Richie who winced in pain as blood began flowing out. When it was Eddie's turn, Richie lightly patted Eddie's arm with his clean hand, as comfort to the germaphobe. Mike shut his eyes as he felt the glass cut through his flesh. Bill flashed a small smile to Andie before cutting her left hand, which caused her to gasp at the feel. Bill took a step to Stanley, who received a small nod from Andie before holding out his hand for Bill. Once done with everyone, they connected their hands, forming a full circle. 

 Whatever is to come for them, their friendship will stay. That, will never change for The Losers Club.

"I hate you," Stanley spoke to Bill, after their hands had disconnected from one another. In sadness, Bill looked from Stanley to the ground while Andie only stared at the curly haired boy, waiting for his smile and laugh that was to come. Just as Andie knew it would come, it did, causing her to break into a laugh, joined by the others. 

"Alright, I gotta go," Eddie announced and they waved to him as he walked to his bike. 

"Us, too," Andie said, gesturing to her and Stanley. "I'm gonna miss you, Bev," she walked to Beverly and wrapped her arms around the redhead. Beverly is moving to live with her aunt, leaving Andie alone with no girl friends. They embraced one another, sniffling into each other's shoulders, until finally, Andie pulled away and made her way to Stan. 

 Hand in hand, the two began their way to Stan's bike and Andie climbed onto it. As they made their way to the park to birdwatch as they had planned, Andie can't help but admire Stanley as she had her arms wrapped around his waist. He was one of her best friends, that was for sure. So were the others in The Losers Club. So, why does she feel differently towards Stanley than the others? 

 She stared at the boy in front of her who wore a smile that rid her of worries. He was bandaged around his face and forehead, leaving a small hole for his curls to sit through and they bounced along as he biked. She liked his curls, especially when they were so defined now with his bandages. His cheeks were of soft pink, caused by his blood rush. Andie hugged him tighter and shut her eyes, leaning her head against his back, breathing in the aroma of autumn air as well as Stanley's scent. 


"Holy shit, Di, look at that!" Stanley exclaimed in excitement, passing the binoculars to Andie and pointing to the sky. "It's The Great Black Hawk. It's one of the rarest birds to ever be seen in America. I can't believe we're seeing it, wow."

"It's big," Andie muttered. 

Stanley hummed in agreement , before being passed the binoculars again. "Wanna call it a day?"

"You sure?" Andie asked though they have been there for hours. 

"Yeah. I just saw the Great Black Hawk. That's enough for me," he smiled and gathered his stuff. 

 After saying their goodbyes, Andie stood up and began to walk away to the direction of her bike that they had brought before going to the park. Before she reached her bike, she was called back by Stanley. Just as she was about to turn around, she felt skin against her left hand, and she was pulled, causing her to almost fall back but she was caught by Stanley, the very person that had pulled her. His hands travelled to her waist as her arms was rested on his chest, and she lightly grabbed his shoulder in shock while panting. Stanley's other hand cupped her cheek, tilting her head upwards so their eyes were to meet. He tucked a strand of hair behind Andie's ear and brought her face closer to his until their lips connected. 

 Stanley's lips were soft and silk-like, with stars written upon it. Hundreds and thousands of shining bright yellow stars in a deep dark blue nightsky. Andie felt butterflies flying in her stomach, roaming for a sense of freedom that they would never achieve. Their collided lips, united made them feel as though the world was their canvas and they were the paint made of flowers and ocean, and their painting were as beautiful as that of nature. 

 Consumed by his touch, Andie felt herself melting as her arms began wrapping themselves around Stanley's neck. She pulled him closer by it just as he did with his hand on her waist. Their kiss deepened, neither one of them wanted it to stop. This was something they had longed for, not even knowing of it. Out of breath, they pulled away, their lips breaking apart and their foreheads leaned against one another's, both of them panting with their breathing synchronized.

"Wow," Andie whispered in between breaths. 

"Yeah," Stanley chimed in, causing Andie to break out in a light chuckle. He pulled away to meet her eyes and began, "Look, Andie. I think we're like two birds, you know?"

Andie gave him a questioning look, letting out a chuckle. "Did you just compare me to a bird?"

He blushed, continuing, "Yeah. But, the point is, I really like birds-"

"I know," she beamed.

"And I really like you," his eyes were of soft leather. "So, I guess, I just, uh," he stuttered. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Andie pursed her lips before it curled into a grin. "I thought you'd never ask, wonderboy."

 The two smiled at each other and reconnected their lips once more in a kiss of sunshine and sunflowers and wonders, because that was what they were; a wonder

~The End~

Wonder. | A Stanley Uris Fanfiction. | IT 2017.Where stories live. Discover now