Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov:

I walked out the school, unfortunately alone. Nobody wanted to be with me. They thought I was weird... I hated every second of being alive. Everyday the same thing happened. I woke up to my parents arguing, went to school, went home, and back to bed. Each day I had to hide my true self from my homophobic parents, and I had enough.

I open the door to me parents' apartment and instantly I got hit by my dad "Where were you?" He asked. "Where do you thing I was? At school!" I answered. "Why do you even go to school, you're worthless and you have no friends." As he asked then I quickly ran to my room and locked the door. I knew what was coming. And I didn't want to get a broken arm... again... Yeah, that my whole life. Getting home just to be beaten up by that idiot. But what could I do? I'm just 14... They always say, that I don't have anything to be depressed about, but they really don't see that I'm not okay? Or they just don't care? I'm planning on just disappearing... Running away when I turn 18, but I don't know if I can wait till then without causing massacre or killing myself (pls tell me I'm not the only one who thinks about this kind of stuff).

4 years later:

I graduated highschool, and tomorrow I'll turn 18, I can finally start a new life and forget about my old one. Thinking about that I walked home happily. I opened the door and ran straight to my room. I packed all of my belongings in a bag and opened the door just to see my parents. "What are you doing?" They asked. "I'm moving out! I won't deal with you guys anymore, fuck you!" I said as I walked down the hallway. "YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" My dad yelled and tried to punch me but I dodged it and hit him in the stomach again and again until he couldn't stand. " No, I think I'm going, bye you abusive bitches! Oh and by the way I'm gay" I said as I closed the door and called a taxi to the airport. My mom was too worried about that bitch on the floor to come after me.

When I got there I bought a ticket at random and I read where it goes, and it said 'United States, North Carolina, Greenville'. I didn't think muck of it and I slowly searched for the plane, and in about half an hour I was on my seat. All I could think about was that I can finally start a new life, apparently in America and my parents think that I only moved, maybe to another city.

Time skip:

I moved here a few months ago, I found a place to live, it wasn't big but it was cheap, and currently I work at a coffee shop. I am so much happier now, even if I don't know a lot of people.

I was at work, there weren't many customers so I could relax a bit. That was until a tall, brown haired, kinda cute guy entered the store. "Hello! What can I get for you?" I asked with a smile, while I grabbed a cup. " Hi! Uhm, can I get a *random drink cuz It's 2am*?" He asked and I couldn't ignore that he was handsome. "Yeah, sure, and can I get your name please?" I asked grabbing a pen. "Chandler" he said. (You thought it was Jimmy, didn't you ;) ) I wrote his name on the cup and started making his coffee.

"Here you go!" I handed him the cup as he thanked me. "And you could come here more, as you can see, I don't have a lot of people to talk to" I said jokingly looking around the empty store. "Yeah, I can see that" he said laughing as he left the store and I was alone again.

So the first few chapters won't be so eventful, but I hope you like it so far, I know the first half was in a rush, but it's 2am here sooooooo... Yeah I think you get it! Well, see you guys in the next chapter! Byeeee

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