Chapter 2

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Y/n's pov

A few weeks have passed since we first met with Chandler, and we became really good friends, since he came everyday around my brake. I usually made coffee for him and a hot chocolate for me (don't judge, I'm childish) and we sat at a table and talked until I had to go back to work, because my co-worker couldn't deal with all the customers by themselves (I couldn't decide if they should be a male or a female, so they are nonbinary) .

This day wasn't different, he came to the store and I already started making our drinks. When he saw that he just chuckled and sat where he usually did and started talking. "So, are you sure you don't want to be roommates? You could have a bigger place to live..." He asked. " Chandler, I told you a million times, I don't want to be woken up by your screaming over stupid games at 3 in the morning, and I don't want to meet your friend yet either, and they go over there pretty frequently from what I heard." I said as I put our drinks in front of us and he took a sip. "Why don't you wanna meet them?" He questioned. " I- I told you I'm scared of strangers, and even if we end up being in the same room, we wouldn't have anything to talk about, especially not with that Jimmy guy" I told him, thinking that he would assure me that they won't hurt me, but instead he asked something that took me off guard.

"Why's Jimmy the most difficult one to talk to?" "Well, you told me that Chris is bi, and Karl is asexual, and between the members of the LGBTQABCDEFG community there's some kind of a bonding mechanism which helps us find each other and become best buddies" I joked not realizing that I didn't tell him that I'm gay yet... Fuck... This wasn't the part of the plan... "Oh my god! You're such a weirdo!" He laughed loudly. He- he doesn't even care? Finally... People accept me...

I looked at the clock and noticed that my brake was over. "Ugh... I'm sorry Chandler, but my brake's over, I have to go back to work." I said visibly sad, obviously it was more entertaining to talk to him than trying to be nice to a Karen... "Oh, okay! Than see you tomorrow? What do you say? Or do you want to come over to my place when you finished? I'll be home playing videogames anyway" he asked chuckling at the end. " Yeah, sure, I finish in 3 hours then I'll head straight to your place, if it's okay." I told him looking at the clock for the exact time. " Okay, call me when you're done! Bye!" He said and I waved at him in response and I started serving the customers.

Time skip:

I walked to the back of the store when I served my last customer and my coworker took my place, and I took my things and headed to my car. I drove home and changed to some comfortable clothes and remembered that I forgot to call Chandler. "SHIT" I said out loud and started looking through my contacts...

Mom- 76 missed calls

Dad- 52 missed calls

In the past few weeks... They were searching for me... When I looked at the contacts an uneasy feeling took me. "No! I shouldn't be sad, I hated my old life! There's no need for this! They were abusing me!" I said at first angrily but at the end I burst out crying. "Why am I like this?" I asked after I calmed down a little. I stood up and took a deep breath, so I won't sound like I cried and called Chandler. "Hey, sorry, I forgot to call you when I finished, so, can I still go?" I asked when he picked up. "Yeah, sure! It's better to be together, than both of us in their apartment alone." He joked and I couldn't do much, just laugh. "Okay! I'm on my way!" I said and we hang up.

I knock on Chandler's door and I hear footsteps before he opens the door. But instantly as he looks at me he sees that something isn't right "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked. Me, not realizing that I sound and look more depressed than usual, I respond casually "No, everything's perfect!" But it didn't really convince him. " Okay, come in..." He made room for me and let me in his house. I put my things on a chair and Chandler started talking "Y/n... What happened? I know something is off." he said. "N- nothing, I told you, everything's fine." I said. "Did- did someone hurt you?" When he asked that I realized, that I haven't told him, that I ran away, or that my family abused me, or that I didn't have friends before I got here... The only thing he knew, was that I'm not from North Carolina. I guess I have to tell him... "Chandler... Do you agree not to tell anyone what happened? Or to even mention it, since I want to forget it?" I asked as I felt tears forming in my eye. "I swear, but if I can, I want to help you" he said. "Well... It all started when I was a kid...

*insert whole life story*

And today I saw that they were calling me and probably wondered where I was... And I hate myself for being sad, they abused me and didn't care about me... Why do I feel bad for leaving them?... Do you think I should call them?" I looked at him and saw that he was thinking. "I don't think you should call them, just send them a message that you're alive and okay... And you can tell them not to contact you ever..." He said and I hugged him bursting out crying on his shoulder as he put his arms around me. "Thank you for not hating me for what I did..." I said between sobs. " Why would I hate you? But now, GO AND TEXT THEM YOU CRYING MISERY!" I laughed at what he said and started writing the message...


So, yes, I know that is a Jimmy x reader, but I don't want to make a short and shitty book like I used to. And for the next week I won't be able to write, cause I'll be on a trip with my friends and won't have too much time. And you could message me if you have any good ideas for the book, maybe you'll give me a good idea and could be a part of the book, and of course you'll be mentioned at the episode's begining. But anyway, the depressed, gay idiot is going to sleep now, byeee

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