Chapter 6

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TW: sh (I'll underline the sh so you can skip it)


Y/n's pov:

"So... Jimmy left a few hours ago, and  he won't pick up the phone... What should we do?" Chris asked trying to think of something. " You know, I don't know you guys for so long, but i could try talking to him... I mean... I don't know, it was a bad idea..." I said for some reason I didn't understand, when Chandler came up with a good idea for once in his life " I think we should go to his place just to see if he's alive or not, just to be safe" and with that, we got in a car and left.

"Here we are..." They said pulling up to a seemingly ordinary house, and from the lights turned on, we suspected that Jimmy was inside. "So? Who's going to check on him?" We all look at each other trying to decide which one of us is going to talk to him. "Well, let's give everyone a number and then roll a die, and then-" While Chris was explaining his plan I got out of the car and walked up to the front door, trying to look inside through the windows, and seeing Jimmy sleeping on a couch, cuddling a dog.

I decide to knock, despite the fact that he was sleeping, because I woke up with violence and I'm about to make it everyone's problem- UHM- I mean, because I wanted to talk to him to make sure everything was alright. A few seconds later I hear the door handle move and Jimmy opened the door for me. "Hey.." He said in a sleepy and sad tone. (WARNING, THE UNDERLINED PART MENTIONS SH, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, SKIP IT) "Hey... I just wanted to make sure you were alright, and not about to make a barcode out of your wrist :3" I joked trying to make the situation at least a bit bearable. "Hah, yeah, I'm... Good... He said in a not so convincing tone. "Do you... Wanna talk about it?" I asked as he nodded and let me enter.

"And who is this adorable furball?" I asked crouching down to pet the doggo. "That's Pinkie, the dog... me and Maddie adopted..." He said sounding like he was about to cry. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know" I stood up to look in his eyes but he kept looking away, so I did the same, trying to not make him more uncomfortable in this shitty situation. "So... Would you tell me what happened? Or do you just want to sit down and be quiet" I asked as we sat down on the couch next to each other. "Well.. Uhmm... What do you expect? I saw a half naked dude in my bed instead of my girlfriend when they picked up the phone... There's not that much to it... Just... I feel so dumb" I looked at him as he talked and looked forward, still avoiding eye contact and I saw that he is about to start crying and he covered his face in embarrassment, so I couldn't do anything but give him a hug, which wasn't easy considering that he was much bigger than me, but he hugged back and soaked my hoodie with tears. "It's okay, sometimes bad stuff just happens, or people are unfair, or are actively hurting you, but... You have to stand up and persevere until you can deal with them, or cut them out of your life. And you have to look at all the things you still have, like your friends, who love you and wouldn't give up on you no matter what." I try to make him feel better, and luckily I can hear that he calmed down a little.

"Why do I trust you? Like, we only met today and i already feel like I can tell you anything that's on my mind.." He said still hugging me and resting his chin on my shoulder. "I don't know, but you can, and I'm here for you, even if I don't really know you" I responded with a small smile on my face. "Do you... Do you mind staying for the night? I don't really want to stay alone here with my thoughts..." He asks pulling away from the hug. "Sure, no problem :)" "Thanks"






Hey, yeah, I was talking to
Jimmy and he wanted me
to stay here for the night,
I think it'd be the best if you
guys didn't come in, I don't
think he really wants to
be with a lot of people now

So I think it'd be the best
if you'd all just go home,


Yeah... Maybe you're
right, goodnight

I texted Chandler while Jimmy got me some blankets, pillows and a mattress. "Here you go, you sure you want to sleep on the mattress?" He asked giving me the pillows, and a warm blanket. "Nah, on the couch I'd be alone downstairs in the dark, and I'd be kinda scared to be honest" I said as organized the pillows on the mattress, to be just perfect. "No, I mean, you could've just chosen the bed, I wouldn't mind" he said possibly because he didn't want to be rude to a guest. "No really, I don't want you to sleep on the ground in your own house". Jimmy's thoughts: 'Well, he misunderstood me, anyway-' "So... You sure you're alright?" I asked just to be sure before going to bed. "Yeah, I'm fine now" He smiled at me. "I trust you" He said before I fell asleep...

Heyy bitches, I'm back, I have no more tests or homework, so prepare for this whole summer to be very gay (or at least I'll try) and have a happy pride month you little gremlins ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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