Chapter 8

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Late night cuddles

Jimmy's pov:

After throwing away the cup from the shop, I go home and sit on the couch. I look at my phone only to see that Maddie texted me ...again... But now I decided to text her back for once.

Jimmy, please talk to me

We've got nothing to talk about, you cheated on me, there is no explanation for that. You can come to pick your stuff up but then we have nothing to do with each other


I closed the chat before she could finish typing, and I saw that an unknown number texted me.

Unknown number
Hey, it's me, Y/n, Chandler came by and gave me your number, I just wanted to tell you that you can text me whenever you need a talk<3

When I saw that I started smiling at my phone, knowing that even if we only met not long ago, I can trust him...

Time skip:

Y/n's pov:

A few months have passed since Jimmy's breakup, and during that time we talked a lot.. well- mostly Jimmy talking and me listening to him on facetime at 3am, and the same happened tonight.

"What if it happened because of me? If she cheated because I wasn't spending enough time with her?" He said. "Jimmy, I swear to every fucking deity, if I hear that excuse one more fucking time, I will steal your kneecaps-" "But-" "Your partner not spending time with you is not a reason to cheat, nothing is, and if someone disagrees, they're a horrible waste of carbon atoms, and they should die in the worst possible way there is..." I try to comfort him the best I can "... Can you come over ...please...?" He asked after a long pause. "Uhm.. it's 2am-" I say, not really knowing what to do. "I'll come after you if you want... please..." He says on the verge of crying. "I'll be there in 10" I say as I pack some clothes and get into my shoes.

Jimmy's pov:

After around 10 minutes I hear a knock on my front door. I open the door to find Y/n looking up at me with a comforting smile as I let him in.

"Do you want cuddles or food?" He asks while kneeling down to pet Pinkie. "I don't know, I just didn't want to be alone.." I say crouching down next to him. "I get it... I wanna get some food but I don't think anything is open at this hour of the night" "Well- I have ice cream in the freezer if you want some?" I say, standing up and walking into the kitchen.

Y/n's pov:

We were sitting in a comfortable silence, eating ice cream, when Jimmy suddenly asks me "Do you think I'll ever find someone..?" Looking at him I saw that he was tearing up. "You know.. finding love isn't a requirement for happiness, even if movies and society tends to deny that. And just because one relationship didn't work out doesn't mean that it's over forever, even if it feels like it now. Eventually you'll find someone, with whom everything will" I tried to comfort him, but it didn't really work "Do you want a hug?" He only nodded and collapsed with all his weight on me. "Why did this happen to me... Have i not done enough for the world? I-" "Don't think like that!" I interrupted "You being who you are has nothing to do with what she did, even if you feel like it shouldn't have happened, things don't work like that, no matter how unfair that is..." He was silent for a moment before looking up at me. "Come on.. let's go to bed" I said and we both went upstairs to his bedroom.

We were in his bed, just cuddling and trying to sleep. "Thank you.." He said tightening his embrace. "For what?" I ask with a slight chuckle "For staying with me when I needed someone to talk to.." He then looked at me "Jimmy I-" he then closed the gap between our lips shutting me up. I was more than surprised, but after a second I leaned into the kiss.

When we broke apart there was a few seconds of silence. "I think I might stay for more than just the night now" I said with a wide grin on my face...

In the morning:

I woke up at the sun already up, luckily weakend by the blinds, and when I looked at the clock I saw that it was almost 2pm, then I remembered what happened last night, and when I looked behind me I saw Jimmy, still asleep, with his face buried in my neck and arm around my waist. I couldn't help but smile at his peaceful figure as he quietly snored 'maybe luck really was on my side' I thought to myself as I remembered the plane ticket I bought...

I felt slight movement behind me "Mmmh good morning~" I hear Jimmy say in a rather raspy voice and I turn around to face him. "It's barely morning but ok" I say with a yawn. "But good morning to you too" I say as I put my arm around him and pull the covers up slightly. "So... Uhm... do you.. like me too?" He asks with uncertainty in his voice. "Wasn't that obvious?" I say and I give him a kiss on the forehead.


Well hello there everyone! I know it's been quite a while since I last uploaded (almost half a fucking year) but yeah- here it is, enjoy!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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